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Staff Networks and Groups

Our Staff Networks are dedicated spaces for colleagues sharing particular circumstances or characteristics to connect with others and share their experiences.

An overhead view of four people sat across from each other attending a meeting.
Staff Networks are spaces for staff to gather and exchange ideas, network and more.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Network

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Network is a forum for discussing ED&I initiatives across the University and ongoing matters relating to equality, diversity and inclusion. The aims of the Network are to:

  • Actively promote equality, diversity and inclusion across the University
  • Engage with current ED&I issues facing staff and students and support campaigns
  • Make appropriate recommendations to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and ensure accountability through scrutiny and feedback
  • Provide ED&I training to EDIN members to empower them in their role as allies and facilitate the dissemination of information and good practice to the wider community
  • Act as resource hub through which members of the University community can access information and help others
  • Ensure intersectional needs are heard through diverse representation and collaboration with all staff and student communities

You can find more information about the EDIN on their webpage, including their terms of reference and contact information.

Kaleidoscope LGBTQ+ Staff and PGR Group

Kaleidoscope is open to all staff and postgraduate researchers at the University who identify as LGBTQ+, including people of any sexual orientation, disability status, gender, race, religion or age.

The group aims to provide the following:

  • Social events to get to know LGBTQ+ staff and postgraduate researchers from varied departments across the University
  • Lines of support and contacts for any LGBTQ+ issues in the workplace
  • Representation of LGBTQ+ interests at University level

See the Terms of Reference for more details.

To join as a member and receive email updates about Kaleidoscope events, you can sign up via Kaleidoscope blog.

aFLAME Disability Network: Staff and PGR

The aFLAME Disability Network for Staff and PGR students is a group for disabled staff and postgraduate research students to meet and share their experiences. The Network's aims include:

  • Providing a space for disabled staff and research students to discuss topics of interest
  • Helping build connections between disabled staff and research students across the University
  • Inviting speakers to talk on important issues

If you are interested in getting involved please visit the aFLAME blog and sign up to the email list. If you wish to join the Teams group also please email

Senior Professional Services Women's Leadership Network

A Network for all women in professional services in leadership positions, or aspiring to be in leadership positions. This Network is open to staff Grade 8 and above with the intention of building connections and promoting opportunities. The aims of the Network are to:

  • Provide a space for discussion around topics of interest
  • Help build connections across the University
  • Provide a forum to share opportunities, barriers and successes
  • Be a forum to influence decision makers

You can find more information about SPSWLN and how you can benefit by checking the Network's webpage.

Parents' Network

The Parents' Network is voluntarily co-chaired by Paula Brown, Sarah Sutton and Cecily Dryden to provide an inclusive, supportive space for all staff who are parents. The Network aims to meet every few months for informal networking and will often have guest speakers come along to talk about their experiences. The Newtwork's goals include:

  • Encouraging members to ask for support or advice
  • Sharing and learning about local events of interest
  • Enabling members to share their experiences

If you would like to join the Parents' Network, then please follow this link to request to join the Microsoft Teams page. You can also request more information through the Teams page.


This network is for all staff of colour at the University. Among other important topics, the group aims to do the following:

  • Provide peer support for members.
  • To promote the interests of ethnically diverse staff at the University of Bath.
  • Organise awareness-raising events.
  • Create opportunities for sharing a university-wide collective voice.
  • To raise awareness of the issues facing ethnically diverse staff.

If you would like to join the network, please request access to the Microsoft Teams page

No Kidding Network and Support Group

No Kidding is an informal support group for staff who are childless not by choice. The Network recognises that being childless not by choice can be a difficult and isolating experience, which can have a profound effect on our wellbeing. There may be associated triggers in the workplace, such as dealing with new parent announcements. The Network engages with its members, and the wider University community, in many ways, including:

  • Blog pieces raising awareness of important commemorative occasions such as World Childless Week
  • Events, such as meetups which happen regularly throughout the year
  • A private Teams group for members to talk confidentially and share their experiences, if they wish

For more information on the Network, including how to join the Teams group and for any questions, you can contact or check this announcement page.

Menopause Support Group

The Menopause Support Group offers members information and support around the menopause, much of which can be found on their webpage. The Network also offers:

You can find more information about the group from the Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing team, or by requesting access to the Menopause Matters Support Team through Marcia Martin or Melanie Torrance.

Neurodiversity Network

The Neurodiversity Network is for staff and students who are neurodivergent or think they may be. Neurodiversity includes dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, autism, ADHD, Tourette syndrome, and any other diagnoses which may cause your brain to work differently.

The Network aims to:

  • Work together to create and advocate for a neurodiversity-friendly campus
  • Host events which further acceptance and understanding of neurodiversity
  • Offer peer support and advice

You can join the group on Teams (there are separate staff and PGR support channels to avoid conflicts of interest), or email for further information.

Women's Network – Career, Growth and Community

We have a new Women's Network – Career, Growth and Community (WN:CGC) aimed at women in grades 2 – 7. This network has been established as a result of the Professional Services Women's Early Career Network survey feedback and institutional Silver Athena Swan action plan. The aims of the network are to enable connections, address common difficulties and facilitate peer support and training opportunities to women in grades 2-7 working in the university.

As an initial step the Co-Chairs of the Network have set up a Teams channel, which they will use to communicate with the network. Please join the Teams group and stay up-to-date with the latest news.

Research Enablers Network

The network was established in 2022 following a project supported by the Research England Enhancing Research Culture fund. The network is for those who work in the management, specialist administration job family in roles that directly support research activities.

We hold meetings each month with a mix of presentations and informal networking sessions. In all cases we try to ensure that there is the opportunity for you to meet or catch up with colleagues from across the University. We run as many events as possible in a hybrid format to allow the greatest attendance.

The group aims to provide the following:

  • Provide a space for discussion, learning and practice sharing around topics of interest
  • Help build connections across the University
  • Provide a forum to share opportunities, barriers and successes
  • Provide visibility and advocacy for the research enabler community

See the Terms of Reference for more details.

If you want to get involved or join the network join our Teams Group and/or mailing list. You can also contact our Chair: Rachel Willis.

Staff Men’s Network

The network has been established by Staff Wellbeing Champions and sets out to provide men from all departments with a space to discuss any concerns relating to physical health, mental health and general wellbeing – or simply to connect with other men.

Find out more here, or join by going to MS Teams and ‘Join a Team’ with the code dnro4p5.

Carers' Support Network

The Carers' Support Network is a new initiative. This network is separate from the Parents' network, and it is for carers with responsibilities for adults or children with additional needs (you don't need to be a registered carer). It aims to better support carers at the university. The network offers:

  • Opportunities to meet and connect with other staff members at meetings.
  • Opportunities to discover what support is available at the university for carers. We hope the network will further influence the future support for carers' initiatives at the University.
  • A safe and confidential space to share and discuss the challenges you face.

You can learn more about the group by contacting You can now also join the network's Teams group by searching the code 'dd0miwo' in Teams.

Loss and Grief Network

Our network offers staff a space for informal peer support and discussion about managing loss and grief, particularly in the workplace.

In these early stages our intentions for the network are to:

  • offer a space for staff to meet and share their experiences
  • signpost staff to resources to help them understand and cope with grief and loss
  • provide support, guidance and compassion

If you have any questions, please visit this page for more information or contact

International Staff Network

This network is for all international staff at the University.

The network aims to:

  • Connect international colleagues with each other
  • Organise welcome and onboarding events for new international staff joining the University
  • Create opportunities for discussions and networking in person

If you have any questions, please contact the network Chair: Fungai Muteke

You can now also join the network's Teams group by searching the code 'etwputj' in Teams.

Women Academics CAN

The Women Academics Change Agents Network (Women CAN) is an action-oriented space for women academics to work together individually and collectively to achieve our full intellectual potential, enhance our wellbeing at work, identify barriers and challenges to this, and to actively promote systemic and institutional change to address inequalities through liaison, cooperation and advocacy across the university. The network is open to all women in the E&R job family, irrespective of grade, role and contract.

Women CAN aims to:

  • To generate network opportunities to build connections across the university;
  • To reach out to and include the voices of all women academics in the network;
  • To ensure a space for women academics to share experiences, information, success and failures and everything in between;
  • To carry out activities that are practical, action-focused and with a clear focus on change;
  • To work with university leaders at all levels to raise awareness of existing inequalities experienced by women;
  • To inform and influence university systems, policies, processes and practices to enhance women’s career and wellbeing prospects within the university.

If you wish to join Woman CAN, please get in touch with one of our Network co-chairs:

Contact us

If you have any questions about our Networks and groups, you can contact us via email.

All staff groups have a seat on the Equality and Diversity Network (EDN) to represent the views of the particular group. The EDN reports to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee which reports to the University Council.

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