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Key Contacts and Support

Imroze Sahota, Student Retention and Success Team Leader Joanna Newman, Student Retention and Success Advisor

The Student Retention and Success Team like to engage and meet with students regularly or at a minimum twice during an academic year, every year including a placement year. We ask students to book a Check in Appointment once a Semester. Students can meet with either Imroze and/or Joanna in person on campus or at Virgil Building or online via Microsoft Teams.

This is an opportunity to get to know one another, see how you are doing, review how the transition into university is going, what support may be required and offer information and advice to help ensure your success at university. We help remind students of the support available and recommend engagement with other services within the university including the careers team. We can also provide other support, such as:

  • advice on the application process
  • a meeting or a chat over the phone before you apply to university
  • guidance on funding you will be eligible for and how to apply
  • coordinating other support services on your behalf
  • putting you in touch with networks of other estranged students
  • invite you to free Social Pizza Events to meet other students
  • invite you to free Christmas Day Meal on campus
  • invite you to free sit-down meal in a local Bath restaurant to celebrate the end of the academic year
  • free storage and removals of belongings
  • discount on University accommodation over the Summer Period
  • a friendly face at the University and someone to talk to.

Student Support

Student Support provides all students with support and guidance during their studies, including Therapeutic Services & Mental Health, Disability Support, Student Money Advice and Wellbeing. Students supported by the Student Retention and Success Team have priority access to the Wellbeing Service.


If you are a Care Leaver, Estranged or Refugee undergraduate student, you are guaranteed a place in University accommodation for 365 days a year for the duration of your course. This includes the vacation periods and if you need to return for short periods between private housing contracts. Please get in touch if you would like to take advantage of this offer:

You can find out more about arranging this by visiting the West Accommodation centre on campus, or emailing and stating that you are a Care Leaver, former Foyer resident, or Estranged student. Further Accommodation information information can be found here.

Free Temporary Summer Storage and Removal Service

Free temporary summer storage for your belongings and removal service from one accommodation to another within Bath is available to students that are Care Leavers, Estranged or Refugees.

To request this service please complete the form: Student Belongings Storage & Removal Service.

Discounted University Accommodation Over Summer Period

If you would like to move into university accommodation in the summer, there will be a 25% discount on rent over the summer months for students that are Care Leavers, Estranged or Refugees. Summer accommodation is available both on campus and off campus in the city centre depending on budget and availability.

If you are staying over the summer and require accommodation, contact:

Government Funding

If you have Refugee status, you are classed as having independent status or if you have been self-supporting for three years prior to the start of the course and can evidence this (Care Leavers, Estranged) you will be able to claim the maximum funding from Student Finance. If you think this applies to you, please arrange to meet a member of Student Money Advice.

Find out more about government funding from:

Other University Funding

For students joining the University of Bath in September 2024 onwards: Undergraduate Care Leavers, Estranged students, Young Adult Carers and Refugees may also be entitled to additional university funding. This includes The Bath Bursary, a package worth up to £2,750 in Year 1 and up to £2,000 from Year 2 onwards, The Gold Scholarship, a financial and enrichment package worth up to £5,000 a year, and The Accommodation Bursary, worth either £1000 or £500 off your first-year accommodation costs.

The Bath Bursary is automatically awarded provided we have received confirmation from the Student Loans Company that your household income is £30,000 or below.

New first-year undergraduates who have made Bath their Firm or Insurance choice through UCAS, will be invited to apply to the Gold Scholarship Programme through their University of Bath Application Tracker. We must have received confirmation from your student loans provider that your household income is below £30,000. Invitations to apply will be sent at the end of May 2024 and interested students will have until 9am (GMT) on Monday 2nd September 2024 to submit an application.

Please get in contact with if you would like any advice and/or assistance with your Gold Scholarship application.

Make sure you have not removed permission for you/your family's household income assessment to be shared with the University by your student loans awarding agency. Without this, our Scholarship and Bursary Team are unable to assess your eligibility for our funding awards.


For information on budgeting, top money saving tips, bank accounts, scams, dealing with debt and other sources of funding, please visit Managing Your Money.

If you encounter financial difficulties whilst at University you can also apply to the University of Bath Hardship Fund.

Academic Skills

The Skills Centre provides year round study skills classes, including 1:1 tutorials. All students supported by our team have access to a Study Skills Tutor, including writing and exam skills, presentations, groupwork, time management and digital skills, maths, statistics, motivation, organisational issues or other areas for development. The idea is to have an opportunity to have a constructive conversation, with some practical guidance from a Tutor.

Health Services

The University of Bath has an onsite NHS Medical Centre which is available for all students to register with. Based on campus they offer a range of services including GP clinics, prescriptions and urgent appointments.

Careers Service

The Careers Service offer information, advice and guidance to students, researchers and graduates and work with employers to connect them with our students and recent graduates.

Use MyFuture to access appointments, opportunities, resources, events and much more.


Offers you a place of quiet and support if you need to chat or somewhere to discuss any issues. The Chaplaincy is staffed by friendly Chaplains, is open for regular events each week, and is home to several Faith Societies. People of all faiths or none are welcome. They offer counsel, advice or just a listening ear. Feel free to pop in any time.

Students’ Union Advice and Support Service

Students’ Union Advice and Support Service (SU) provides independent, confidential and nonjudgmental information and support to all students, including academic appeals and reviews, considering changing course, academic misconduct or disciplinary issues, housing, health and wellbeing. They also have contact with the Academic Reps, Hall Reps and Peer Mentors.

The SU has a job link service that helps students find work during term and vacation time.


Details regarding Paid Outreach and E-mentoring opportunities. Please get in touch with Widening Participation and look out for their recruitment drives.


The Security Service on campus can help, whatever the problem. They are available 24 hours a day/ seven days a week/365 days a year.

Student Retention and Success

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