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Education Departmental Seminar Series

We host speakers from academia and professional practice doing interesting, exciting and significant research or work in the field of education.

This page contains information about our upcoming seminars and seminars we have held in the past (many of which were recorded and available to watch).

The research presented in each aligns with the work the University of Bath's Department of Education is doing. They cover topics such as, research in the fields of educational leadership, management and governance, internationalisation and globalisation, language and educational practices, and learning, pedagogy and diversity.

Attend a seminar

All of our seminars are free to attend and take place on the University of Bath campus or online. If you have any questions about our seminars, please contact Dr Nicola Savvides

Upcoming seminars

Find out more about our upcoming seminars. Please note: dates, times and locations of seminars may change, so check this page regularly.

Pedagogy of hope for global social justice

  • Speaker: Professor Douglas Bourn, University College London (UCL)
  • Date: 19 February 2025
  • Time: 3.45pm - 4.45pm
  • Location: 1 West Room 3.107 and online (Zoom)

About this seminar

Hope has become an increasingly popular term within education in recent years. The concerns about climate change, the impact of the global pandemic and re-emergence of wars in Europe have led to educationalists in many regions of the world seeking ideas and perspectives about to present optimistic and future-orientated approaches to their teaching.

In this seminar, Professor Bourn will frame his ideas of an educated hope within a pedagogy for global social justice. Inspired by the thinking of Paulo Freire and critical pedagogy, he will outline his distinctive approach with examples from a range of educational projects from differing regions of the world. Reference will be made to his own research on cultures of decolonisation and global citizenship.

Join this seminar

Please join this seminar at the time mentioned above, using the below details.

  • Meeting ID: 968 3238 9961
  • Passcode: 137260

Solidarity or privilege? Mapping transnational dynamics in European schooling

  • Speaker: Dr Simona Szakács-Behling, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität
  • Date: 12 March 2025
  • Time: 1.15pm - 2.15pm
  • Location: Online (Zoom)

About this seminar

In this seminar, Dr Simona Szakács-Behling will examine transnational dynamics in education, focusing on solidarity as a curriculum ideal and extra-curricular practice. The talk will address questions such as: How do transnational processes influence schools and schooling that specifically promote a European ethos? And what conceptual tools are needed to analyse these dynamics?

Drawing on five years of qualitative research in three schools promoting Europe in Germany, she'll explore programmatic aims and everyday practices in several educational contexts characterised by varying levels of privilege and different organisational structures but united by what she calls a "transnationalising ethos". The findings illuminate what meanings of solidarity in curricular and extra-curricular activities are made relevant in the everyday practices and discourses of these schools, thus offering fresh perspectives on the implications of transnational processes for schools and students and thereby contributing to broader debates on educational equity in a globalised world.

Join this seminar

Please join this seminar at the time mentioned above, using the below details.

  • Meeting ID: 925 0650 9850
  • Passcode: 583858

Previous seminars

Watch recordings of our previous seminars.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our seminars, please contact us.