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Postgraduate study in probability

We are always on the lookout for mathematicians who wish to do a PhD in probability.

PhD funding

The funding landscape is complex and changes every year. If you are interested in doing a PhD, the best thing to do is to look through the list of permanent members of Prob-L@B, find someone whose interests roughly match your own, and email them to ask about your options. Include your CV so that they can make their own judgement on who might be the best fit as a supervisor.

Our main source of funding is currently SAMBa, the department's Centre for Doctoral Training. See below for more information on SAMBa. However, most years some members of the group will have other sources of funding and may be looking for applicants. These positions may be listed here or on FindAPhD, but sometimes funding takes time to work its way through the system and the best thing to do is just ask!

We keep a list of former PhD students on our archive.


SAMBa, which stands for Statistical Applied Mathematics at Bath, is our EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training. SAMBa builds on, and brings together, research carried out throughout the Department of Mathematical Sciences, working in collaboration with industry, policy-makers, and academics from other disciplines.

SAMBa offers a four-year doctoral training programme in statistical applied mathematics. Students undertake rigorous research in a world-class environment, and become leading problem solvers, able to work flexibly across disciplines. At least 10 fully-funded studentships - usually more - are currently offered each year, and several of these students end up doing PhDs in probability or projects related to probability.

Graduate courses

Our PhD students have access to a wide range of courses in probability. Each semester we aim to provide at least one main graduate course or reading group on a relevant topic. In 2019/20 we had a course on entropy methods and interacting particle systems by Milton Jara (David Parkin Visiting Professor), a reading group on the renormalization group method led by Antal Jarai, and a reading course by Alex Cox on Feynman-Kac formulae and interacting particle systems. There is a list of previous courses on our archive.

There are also a wide variety of reading courses in probability available as part of SAMBa (but also available to non-SAMBa students on request). In addition, we are part of the Taught Course Centre where courses are shared between Bath, Bristol, Imperial, Oxford and Warwick and delivered electronically to students at all five universities.