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Renata Koch Alvarenga and Professor Katharine Hayhoe

Learn more about ActNowFilm 2023 participants Renata Koch Alvarenga and Professor Katharine Hayhoe.


Photos of ActNowFilm participants Renata Alvarenga and Katharine Hayhoe, with their names displayed underneath. The bottom of the picture features the ActNowFilm logo and the film title “Youth climate leaders in conversation with climate experts”.
Renata Koch Alvarenga and Professor Katharine Hayhoe are one of 30 pairs of youth climate leaders and climate experts from across the world matched for 1-2-1 conversations as part of this year’s ActNowFilm.

ActNowFilm: youth climate leaders in conversation with climate experts is an international youth voices in climate change project, selected to showcase at COP28. The film is based on 1-2-1 conversations between 30 pairs of youth climate leaders and world leading climate experts.

Renata Koch Alvarenga, from Brazil, is a leading voice on gender and climate justice in the global youth movement. She founded the youth-led and Brazil-based organization EmpoderaClima at 22 years old, to raise awareness of the need for women’s empowerment in climate decision-making spaces, and advocate for girl’s education and climate action in the Global South – more specifically in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Renata recently graduated with a Master's in Public Policy from Harvard University, where she researched climate finance and resilience to advise the World Food Programme on its Caribbean work. At Harvard, she worked with the Belfer Center for International Relations and the Center for International Development, and did fieldwork in Puerto Rico and Barbados.

Renata has professional experience in global climate policy and diplomacy, having worked at the British Mission in Brazil and the United Nations Youth Office. She currently works as a Disaster Risk Financing Specialist at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C.

For the past eight years, Renata has been working tirelessly to ensure young people can access high-level global spaces, having been active in the Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC, as the Gender Contact Point, as well as the UN Girls’ Education Initiative and UN Women as a youth leader. She has served on advisory boards for climate issues of the New York Times, Chicago Council of Global Affairs, and the Sustainable Amazon Foundation in Brazil. In 2022, Renata was nominated for the class of Environmental Educators (EE) 30 Under 30.

Professor Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist whose research focuses on understanding the impacts of climate change on people and the planet. She is the Chief Scientist for The Nature Conservancy where she leads and coordinates the organisation's scientific efforts. Katharine also holds the positions of Paul Whitfield Horn Distinguished Professor and the Political Science Endowed Chair in Public Policy and Public Law in the Department of Political Science at Texas Tech University.

Her work has resulted in over 125 peer-reviewed papers, abstracts, and other publications and many key reports, including the Second, Third, and Fourth US National Climate Assessments. She also hosts the PBS Digital Series Global Weirding and is a co-founder of Science Moms.

Katharine's areas of expertise include science communication, greenhouse gas emissions, and developing and applying high-resolution climate projections for assessing regional to local-scale impacts of climate change on human systems and the natural environment. She holds a B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Toronto and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from the University of Illinois and has received numerous awards and recognitions for her work, including four honorary doctorates and being named a United Nations Champion of the Earth.


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