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This is Tomorrow

This year’s Institute for Policy Research (IPR) symposium, This is Tomorrow, aims to address the ongoing debates affecting our future.

  • 12 Sep 2019, 9.30am to 12 Sep 2019, 6.30pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • The Edge, University of Bath
  • This event is free

This year’s Institute for Policy Research (IPR) symposium, This is Tomorrow, aims to address the ongoing debates affecting our future - ranging from China’s growing dominance in the world and the future of work, to global security, climate change, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ethics, and the future of welfare systems.

Climate change is rapidly reshaping the world around us, as we increasingly face extreme weather events, species extinction and resource depletion. Our global security systems are also under strain, as migration and conflict continues, and warfare continuously changes with the introduction of new technologies.

Meanwhile, AI influences our lives on a daily basis - from GPS and optimising logistics, to personalised online recommendations and the use of smart technologies within our homes. How do we ensure that these new automated systems improve society as a whole – and not just those who control them?

Similarly, welfare systems in the UK and internationally are constantly under debate. Their purpose, size and utility dominates public discourse while we face shifting challenges, ranging from austerity economics and gender inequality, to changes in the family and a precarious labour market.

Over the course of two keynote presentations and three panels, world renowned academics, practitioners and researchers will expand upon these global developments and concerns, and shed light on what the future might hold.

Registration Deadline: 2 September 2019

Hashtag: #IPRthisistomorrow

Provisional programme

9.30 - 10.00am: Registration and tea and coffee

10.00 - 10.10am: Welcome

Professor Nick Pearce (IPR)

10.10 - 11.10am: Keynote One: Beginnings of a New World Order: The Rise of China

Martin Jacques (Author, Broadcaster, and Speaker)

Chair: Professor Nick Pearce (IPR)

11.10am - 12.30pm: Panel One: Global Security and Climate Change. Warfare and Extinction...

Chair: Professor David Galbreath (University of Bath)

12.30 - 1.30pm: Lunch (Fountain Cafe)

1.30 - 2.50pm: Panel Two: The Future of AI and Ethics: Are we moving to an augmented human enterprise?

Chair: Dr Rachid Hourizi (University of Bath)

2.50 - 3.50pm: Panel Three: The Future of Welfare Systems: How should global welfare systems evolve in the 21st century?

Chair: Professor Jane Millar (University of Bath)

3.50 - 4.10pm: Refreshment break

4.10 - 5.20pm: Keynote Two: The Future of Work and Wages

Gavin Kelly (Chair of Resolution Foundation and Chair of Living Wage Commission)

Chair: Professor Nick Pearce (IPR)

5.20 - 5.30pm: Closing remarks

Professor Nick Pearce (IPR)

5.30 - 6.30pm: Drinks reception

Booking details

Register for this event


This event will take place at the University of Bath.

The Edge University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom


If you have any questions, please contact us.