If, after having received a Stage 1 Academic Appeals decision, you feel that your case remains unresolved you may be able to request a review of the appeals process and its outcome.
You can only request a review of the academic decision cited in stage 1 of your appeal.
Before requesting a Stage 2 review, you should refer to Regulation 17, which sets out the process and the related responsibilities for students and the University.
Request for reviews will only be accepted if submitted, in writing, no more than 14 calendar days after notification from the Chair of the Board of Studies or Board of Studies Appeal Sub-Committee of the outcome of a Stage 1 appeal. Requests received after this deadline will not normally be considered.
You will normally be notified of the outcome of the Stage 2 review process within 28 calendar days of receipt of your request.
Requesting a review of the academic appeals process and outcome
A request for a Stage 2 Review of an Academic Appeal must be made on one or more of the following grounds:
- there were material (i.e., significant, or important) procedural irregularities at Stage 1
- there is material (i.e., significant, or important) new evidence which could not reasonably have been expected to have been provided at Stage 1
- the outcome at Stage 1 was unreasonable in light of the evidence presented
A request for a review must be submitted no more than 14 calendar days after you receive notification of the Stage 1 decision on your appeal.
You must submit:
- the Stage 2 Review of Academic Appeal form completed in full
- evidence to support the grounds of your request for review
- a copy of all the material submitted at Stage 1 of your appeal
- any further evidence which could not reasonably have been expected to have been presented as part of your original appeal submission
Your submission must contain all the details and evidence available to you that you wish to be considered as part of the review process.
Review evidence requirements
You must provide evidence to support your request for review.
You must provide evidence that is available to you to make as clear a case for review as you can when you submit your request. Your submission must contain all the details and evidence that you wish to be considered as part of the review process. You will not normally have any further opportunity to present your case or provide further detail beyond the information you provide in the Stage 2 Review of Academic Appeal form and the evidence you submit.
If you are making your review on ground 17.37c (ii) - that there is material (i.e., significant, or important) new evidence which could not reasonably have been expected to have been provided at Stage 1 - your evidence should clearly show why you were not able to provide this at Stage 1 of the appeals process.
Any evidence you provide does not need to be formal documentation if this is not available to you. For example, if you do not have access to formal medical documents such as a letter from a doctor, you can supply alternative evidence such as copies of relevant (dated) correspondence or evidence of medication.
If your ability to provide specific evidence has been affected by events outside of your control, you should explain clearly what you intended to provide and why it is unavailable to you. If you need longer than the 14-calendar day deadline to provide evidence, you should make this clear when submitting your request, providing a date by which the late evidence will be provided and the reason you have not been able to provide the evidence sooner.
Where to submit your request for review
Stage 2 Review of Academic Appeal forms must be sent to the Director of Academic Registry at stage-2-appeals@bath.ac.uk
Stage 2 Review of Academic Appeal outcomes
Your request for a review of your academic appeal outcome will be considered by the Director of Academic Registry.
The Director will decide:
- that no action be taken and the University’s internal procedures have been completed
- that the Academic Appeal be reconsidered at Stage 1 (with the further decision taken at Stage 1 being final, with no further right to request a Stage 2 review)
- that the case be referred to the Secretary to Senate to convene a Student Academic Appeals Committee
You will be informed of the decision of the Director of Academic Registry, any action to be taken and any next steps for you within 28 days of receipt of your request for review.
Please see Regulation 17.41 for details of a hearing by a Student Academic Appeals Committee.
Once the University’s internal procedures have been completed, if you feel your case remains unresolved you may be able to apply to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) for a review of your case, provided that the complaint you take to the OIA is eligible under its rules. Full details are available from the OIA.
It is strongly recommended that you speak to SU Advice & Support before submitting a request for a review. SU Advice & Support provides independent support and guidance, and its staff can act as the friend or adviser permitted by Regulation 17.
Doctoral students can also get independent support and guidance from the University's Independent Advisor Service for Postgraduate Research Students.
If you are an international student, you should seek advice from the Student Immigration Service if you have questions regarding the implications of a Board of Studies decision.
Support for your wellbeing
At any point in the academic appeals process, welfare support and guidance is available from the Wellbeing Service with whom you can arrange a phone or video call. Be Well - Talk Now is a 24-hour confidential service offered by Student Support which gives you immediate advice and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Partner College Programmes
If you are a student at Bath College, you should seek advice from your Programme Leader or Manager or Bath College Students’ Union or Student Services.