Code of Conduct
To ensure that everyone attending the International Engineering Residential (IER) programme has a rewarding and enjoyable time, and for the safety of everyone involved, we ask you to agree to and abide by the following:
During the residential summer school
- I will attend all timetabled activities on time, unless I have a valid reason (such as illness) which I will communicated to the IER leaders in advance of the timetabled activity
- I will follow safety measures which will be detailed to me on arrival and prior to the summer school
- I will not travel to the University of Bath if I have symptoms of COVID-19 or if I feel unwell (an online event will be offered to me instead)
- I will bring a face covering and wear it as advised
- I understand that I will be expected to stay on the University of Bath campus and that I won’t be allowed to leave the campus without the prior agreement of IER Programme Leaders (and permission from a parent/guardian also obtained)
- I will follow any emergency procedure, such as a fire drill, as directed by Summer School staff
- I will not involve myself in dangerous activity which could cause injury to myself, others or damage to property
- I understand that alcohol must not be brought to the University nor consumed during the Summer School. I understand that I must not purchase, or attempt to purchase, alcohol on the University site. I understand that the purchase/supply/possession and/or use of any illegal substances is strictly forbidden. I understand that there is a no-alcohol and no-substance abuse policy in place.
- I understand that summer schools work through mutual respect and friendly cooperation. I agree to treat all students and staff with respect, regardless of race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. I understand that abusive and anti-social behaviour and language will not be tolerated.
- I will keep to my own accommodation area and understand that everyone will have their own lockable bedroom with en-suite bathroom.
- I will not enter anyone else’s bedroom
- I will keep my summer school bedroom tidy and will report any damage to a member of the IER staff team (including ambassadors)
- I will use computers and other equipment responsibly and will follow all safety advice provided
- I will follow any other additional rules explained to me during the summer school
- I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if I choose not to follow them, the University of Bath may contact my parents/carers and remove me from the programme.
Serious incidents of misbehaviour
- I understand that it is expected that the summer school will be free from serious misconduct. In the event of serious incidents of misconduct (fighting, bullying, consumption of alcohol, use of illegal substances, etc) I understand that the student(s) concerned will not be allowed to continue on the summer school and arrangements will be made for the student to return to their home. In this circumstance, the cost of travel home will be the responsibility of the student and their family.