€2 million
Project status
€2 million
Responding to climate change requires alterations to individual and collective behaviours. This Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST) research, in association with the Department of Psychology, explores how understanding moments of change, and adapting to them, can lead to positive environmental impacts.
The two major areas of this research are:
A moment of change is when circumstances shift quickly. They include life course moments – like becoming a parent or changing careers - and external changes – such as travel disruption or the impact of wider societal disruption.
The relationship between moments of change and environmental impact is complex. There are differences across individuals, cultures and society.
This project aims to improve understanding of the dynamics of pro-environmental change across the life course and cultures. It will explore how targeted interventions during moments of change can influence lifestyle alterations.
Through cross-cultural research using secondary and big data analyses, longitudinal qualitative interviews and panel surveys, the project will:
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