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Language in and for Education (LifE) Research Group projects and publications

A collection of publications and active projects from members of the LifE Research Group.


Recent and active research projects

A selection of recent active research projects from members of the LifE Research Group.

  • Student lived experiences of linguistic diversity in higher education. PI: Dr Hugo Santiago Sanchez (University of Bath); CoIs: Dr Lívia Rodrigues; Dr Émerson de Pietri, Dr Ana Duboc (Universidade de São Paulo); Dr Ioannis Costas Batlle, Dr Trevor Grimshaw (University of Bath). Funder: Universidade de São Paulo, R$ 16,800, 2023-2025.
  • Celebrating Multlingualism and Supporting English as an Additional Language (Jan – July 2023) Dr Gail Forey (University of Bath, Engagement Grant, £3,500)
  • Disciplinary Literacy and Corpus-Based Pedagogy (Jan – July 2023) Dr Gail Forey & Dr Reka R. Jablonkai (University of Bath, Impact Grant, £10,000)
  • Reviewing PGwTs’ Experiences and Needs: PGwT’s Perspective, (Jan – July 2023) Dr Gail Forey (University of Bath, TDF Seed Grant, £1,000)
  • From social justice talk to social justice practice through collaborative action research: A pilot study on L2 materials development. PI: Dr Darío Banegas (Edinburgh University); Co-Is: Dr Hugo Santiago Sanchez (University of Bath), Professor Melina Porto (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina), Dr Fabiana Sacchi (Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina), Dr. Gimena San Martin (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina). Funder: Spencer Foundation, USD 63,500, 2022-2024.
  • Enhancing the English Medium Instruction Engineering curriculum based on industry needs and expectations in Turkey. PI: Dr. Dogan Yuksel. Co-Is: Dr. Samantha Curle, Dr. Uriel Martinez Hernandez, Alpaslan Güven, Dr. Mehmet Altay. Funder: British Council (Turkey), 2021-23.
  • University lecturer strategy use to introduce and explain STEM terminology in English Medium Instruction contexts: an exploratory comparative study of China, Turkey, South Africa and Nepal. PI: Dr. Samantha Curle, Co-Is: Dr Reka R. Jablonkai, Dr Dogan Yuksel, Dr. Hou Jie, Dr. Pitambar Paudel, Jaqueline Harvey. Funder: British Council (London), 2020-23
  • Validating a test of polysemous English academic words. PI: Dr Sophia Skoufaki, CoIs: Dr Bojana Petric, Dr Reka R. Jablonkai, Dr Niall Curry. Funders: TDF University of Bath; Education Strategy Fund, UoEssex, 2019-23
  • Teaching in super-diverse higher education contexts: An investigation of university lecturers’ pedagogical strategies, PI: Dr Reka R. Jablonkai, funded by BAICE Seedcorn grant 2018-2019

Selected publications

A selection of recent publications from members of the LifE Research Group.

Dr Samantha Curle

Dr Janina Iwaniec

  • Dunn, K. & Iwaniec, J. (2023). English impact: An evaluation of English language capability. Uzbekistan. British Council.
  • Curdt-Christiansen, X. L. & Iwaniec, J. (2022). ‘妈妈 I miss you’: Emotional Multilingual Practices in Transnational Families. International Journal of Bilingualism.
  • Iwaniec, J. & Wang, W. (2022). Motivations to enrol in EMI programmes in China: An exploratory study. Applied Linguistics Review.
  • Dunn, K. & Iwaniec, J. (2021). Exploring the relationship between second language learning motivation and proficiency: A latent profiling approach. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
  • Iwaniec, J. & Halbach, A. (2021). Teachers’ views on their methodology and their profiles: In search of the possible reasons for the levelling effect of CLIL. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2021.1946548.

Dr Reka R. Jablonkai

Dr Hugo Santiago Sanchez

  • Yang, Z. and Sanchez, H. S. (2023) Teachers’ selection and enactment of context-appropriate pedagogies: Re-conceptualising motivational strategies in the English language classroom. TESOL-EJ.
  • Banegas, D. L. & Sanchez, H. S. (2023) Editorial: Social justice and language teacher education from Latin America. Teachers and Teaching.
  • Gillway, M. and Sanchez, H. S. (2022). Collaborative reflexivity through feedback dialogues: Developing the research and the doctoral researcher. In S. Consoli & S. Ganassin (Eds.), Reflexivity in Applied Linguistics Research: Opportunities, Challenges and Suggestions. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Yang, Z. and Sanchez, H. S. (2021) Teachers’ pedagogical intentions while using motivational strategies. ELT Journal, 76.
  • Borg, S. and Sanchez, H. S. (2020). Cognition and good language teachers. In Griffiths, C. & Tajeddin, Z. (Eds.), Lessons from Good Language Teachers, pp. 16-27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sanchez, H. S. and Grimshaw, T. (2020). Stimulated recall. In J. McKinley & H. Rose (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, pp. 312-323. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

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