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Faculty of Engineering & Design Research

We conduct high-quality research to advance engineering and solve the environmental, social and industrial challenges our world faces.

Research activity, centres and facilities

Read the latest published papers from our academics and researchers. Find out more about how we group our core research and the facilities we use to bolster our excellent research reputation.

David Bullett Nanofabrication Facility

Some equipment in the David Bullett Nanofabrication Facility

We provide access and training on specialist equipment for micro-scale and nano-scale fabrication for University of Bath researchers and external organisations.

Building Research Park

The Hive facility which contains closed-system laboratory spaces.

Our open-to-the-elements facility offers a platform for research into innovative building materials and constructive systems.

Research impact

Our research has results with long-lasting benefits for industry, society and the environment. We submitted nine impact case studies to the REF 2021. Read about the impact our researchers are having.

Saving structures across the globe

Antony Darby tests the strength of a concrete beam in our structures lab.

We’ve developed assessment and strengthening techniques for ageing concrete bridges and structures. Our guidance is used by consulting engineers worldwide.

PhD researchers

Read about the difference our students' research is making.

Making amputees 'feel' again

Leen attaches a sensor to a prosthetic hand in an electronic engineering lab.

For her postgraduate research degree, Leen Jabban, is researching sensory feedback for hand and arm prosthetics using non-invasive techniques.

Join our team

Whether you are starting your research career or looking for a change, we may have the right opportunity for you.