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Applying for pre-sessional student accommodation

What you need to know before you apply for pre-sessional student accommodation.

Most of our pre-sessional accommodation is located in and around Bath city centre. You also also decide to live on campus.

You can apply for pre-sessional accommodation if you are a summer pre-sessional English student with a conditional or combined offer of admission.

As part of your application, you pick three accommodation preferences you would like to live in. You will need to rank them in your order of preference from highest to lowest. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to place you in your highest ranked room types.

Read about how we allocate accommodation to applicants.

Accommodation options

If you are eligible, there are two options available when applying for pre-sessional student accommodation.

  • To move into and remain in the same accommodation throughout your pre-sessional and postgraduate study
  • To stay in our accommodation for your pre-sessional study before moving into other university accommodation for your postgraduate study

The following accommodation options for continuous contract throughout pre-sessional and postgraduate study are:

The contract dates for the above are 05 July 2024 (10 week course) or 05 August 2024 (5 week course) until 15 September 2025.

If you prefer to move into a different accommodation after completing your pre-sessional course, you will need to apply for Carpenter House. You can then select from the following accommodation options for when you start your postgraduate studies in September:

If you have a disability or a diagnosed medical condition you need to complete the additional requirements accommodation application form.

When to apply

Applications for pre-sessional student accommodation open on 13 March 2024.

The deadline for guaranteed accommodation is 01 July 2024.

If you miss the deadline

You can still apply after the 01 July 2024 deadline, but we cannot guarantee you accommodation. Applications for waiting list accommodation open again on 08 July 2024 and will be subject to availability.

How to apply

You must register on our accommodation system to apply for accommodation.


Once you have a conditional or unconditional firm offer from the University, you can register to use the accommodation application portal.

It can take up to 48 hours to access our registration system, after you confirm with UCAS that we are your firm choice.

If you register at the same time as applying, it can take up to an hour before you'll be able to log in and make your application.

Accommodation prices

We offer a range of accommodation to suit different budgets.

Compare our pre-sessional accommodation prices.

Presessional student accommodation

Register and apply for student accommodation

Speak to the team

Contact us if you have any questions or book an appointment to speak to a member of our team.

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