This free, six-month online programme will run from March to the end of June 2025, providing regular online sessions with insights from University of Bath staff about a range of topics to help support your students through the application process to competitive universities. The programme aims to bring together professionals working in UK state schools and colleges who share a passion for widening access to higher education, especially for underrepresented students. It is particularly suitable for new in role colleagues who are involved with year 12 or 13 careers guidance and UCAS applications.
Training and support available for school or college teachers
To help you prepare your students for higher education we offer an online development programme, a range of training sessions, and workshops at your setting.
Teacher and adviser CPD programme 2025
We are pleased to announce that our popular Teacher and Adviser CPD Programme will be returning and we will be welcoming applications from January 2025.
What the progamme includes
The programme will consist of five webinars, each delivered by staff from across different departments at Bath, about how to support your students when applying to competitive universities.

The exact content for 2025 may be subject to change but in previous years content has included:
- launch session to meet the team and other participants and find out more about the context of widening access in higher education
- outreach at Bath
- reference writing for UCAS applications
- applying to Bath
- confirmation and clearing
Alongside this, you will have access to an online toolkit with resources to use in your setting as well as the opportunity to attend our Teacher and Adviser Conference. Teachers who complete the programme will gain a certificate and be invited to continue working with us to help shape our resources for teachers and advisers in the future as part of our Widening Participation Teacher Advisory Group.
Personal Statements
We understand the importance of supporting personal statement writing in your roles when helping students with their UCAS applications. For 2025, we will also be offering a series of webinars specifically about personal statements and the upcoming changes for the 2026 cycle.
What our 2024 participants said
'I just wanted to say how valuable I found the CPD. We have a new Head of Year 13 starting in September and I think she would enjoy doing this CPD next year.'
'It was really helpful and I shall be cascading everything down through the department.'
'We have valued the online content in the lead up and then the consolidating of this at the day conference. The workshops and opportunity to share with other advisers were invaluable.'

Further details, eligibility and how to apply
Teachers, careers professionals and educators from UK state secondary schools or colleges are welcome to apply.
The programme webinars will all be held at 4pm on the following dates in 2025:
- Wednesday 26 March
- Thursday 24 April
- Thursday 8 May
- Thursday 22 May
- Thursday 5 June
The theme of each webinar will be shared in advance so you can prepare for supportive peer discussions. After each webinar, you will be given access to resources for use in your setting on our online teacher toolkit. Don't worry if you can't make all the dates of the programme as each webinar will be recorded and sent to programme participants to access when they can.
Personal statement series
The personal statement mini series dates are TBC. The series will be recorded and sent out to any teachers and advisers who cannot attend live.
Contact for further information.
Campus Visits

You are welcome to visit our campus at any time during the calendar year. Please contact the Campus Events Team if you'd like to arrange a tour for you and any colleagues. We can also connect you with academic departments, admissions and/or support services if you want to find out about particular areas. If you'd like to bring a group of your pupils to our campus, please see here for more information.
Contact us
If you would like to find out more about the Teacher and Adviser CPD programme, please email