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Curriculum in Context: Chemistry - Bonding and Structure

Find out how the Chemistry A level content is used in research into the treatment for cancer.

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Hear how Megan uses the A level Chemistry curriculum in her research into the treatment of cancer. #Chemotherapy #bonding #electronegativity #MetalOrganic Framework #SodiumChloride #IonicBonds #VanDerWaalInteractions #CrystalStructures

My name is Megan Thompson, and I’m a PhD student in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath.
In my research, I use computer simulations to model the formation of porous crystals which will be loaded with medication and used for targeted drug delivery in chemotherapy patients.

I use aspects of Chemistry that you will be familiar with from your A level work on bonding and structure to predict the conditions needed to make a desired crystal by combining the atomic and energetic structures.

A level syllabus links

Chemistry A level:

  1. Bonding and structure
  2. Atomic structure
  3. Energetics

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