Earth System Governance Research Centre Bath
Hosted by the Centre for Development Studies, the Earth System Governance Research Centre Bath was established in September 2022 based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the University of Bath and the Earth System Governance Project. The Earth System Governance (ESG) Project is one of the world’s largest interdisciplinary social science research networks to advance knowledge at the interface between global environmental change and governance. The project aims to explore political solutions and novel, more effective governance systems to cope with the climate and ecological crises. The ESG network consists of 17 researcher centres and over 500 scholars across the globe.
Since its launch, the ESG Research Centre Bath has brought together researchers of sustainability governance from across the University and beyond, including those based in the Departments of Politics, Languages and International Studies, Education, Health, Psychology, and the School of Management as well as researchers based in the region including Cardiff, Bristol, and Oxford. The Centre organises a fortnightly Seminar Series for researchers to share their latest work. It has also supported several large grant applications including a Leverhulme Research Fellowship and a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. To pursue research impact, the Centre actively engages with practitioners and fosters collaboration with government and civil society organisations, such as Bath and North Somerset Council, Development Initiative, and Action for Sustainable Development.
Bath Earth System Governance Seminar Series
This seminar series gives researchers across and beyond the University of Bath opportunities to share their latest work on environmental governance and sustainable development. It aims to stimulate interdisciplinary discussion and promote collaboration for understanding and realising sustainable and just futures. We meet fortnightly during the teaching semester, and we welcome speakers across all career stages, especially early career researchers. Below is the programme in the current academic year. If you want to present your work, please contact the series convenor, Dr Yixian Sun
Semester 1 Seminar series
Book Talk - Global Shifts: Business, Politics & Deforestation in a Changing World Economy - Philip Schleifer (Oct 10, 2023)
The Problems and Publics of Net Zero: Anticipating Carbon Removal? - Jose Maria Valenzuela (Oct 31, 2023)
Who will own a car in the future? - Sarah Toy (Nov 14, 2023)
Book launch - Disrupted Development in the Congo: The Fragile Foundations of the African Mining Consensus - Ben Radley, joined by guest speakers Marie-Rose Bashwira, Doris Okwena, Mihika Chatterjee (Nov 28, 2023)
No Political Tipping Point is Coming: Why Climate Change Politics Grow More Contentious and Politicized, Despite Increased Scientific Certainty and Public Awareness - Stacy D. VanDeveer (Dec 12, 2023)
Semester 2 Seminar series
The Politics and Governance of Decarbonization. The Interplay Between State and Non-state Actors in Sweden - Karin Bäckstrand, Stockholm University/LSE (Feb 13, 2024)
Decolonizing climate-smart agriculture: Climate justice and global agricultural value chains in Pakistan Noaman Ali, University of Bath (Feb 27, 2024)
Private governance and political engagement: The case of Brazil Rodrigo Cezar, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) (March 26, 2024)
Towards Purpose-Driven Ecosystems: Opportunities and barriers (link to be added) Frederik Dalhmann, University of Warwick (April 16, 2024)
Between extractivism and developmenalism: Chinese investments on resource-infrastrucutre nexus in Africa (link to be added) Wei Shen, Institute of Development Studies (30 April, 2024)