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- Poor Places, Thriving People: How the Middle East and North Africa Can Rise Above Spatial Disparities, The World Bank
- The Qatar-Nepal Remittance Corridor: Enhancing the Impact and Integrity of Remittance Flows by Reducing Inefficiencies in the Migration Process, The World Bank
- Skills for Green Jobs: Egypt, International Labour Organisation
- Infrastructure and Employment Creation in the Middle East and North Africa, The World Bank
- The Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on the Labour Market: A Preliminary Analysis, International Labour Organisation
- Reclaiming their Voice : New Perspectives From Young Women and Men in Upper Egypt, The World Bank
- Who Is Deprived? Who Feels Deprived? Labor Deprivation, Youth and Gender in Morocco, The World bank
- Entrepreneurship Training and Self-Employment among University Graduates : Evidence from a Randomized Trial In Tunisia, The World Bank
- Jobs for Shared Prosperity : Time for Action in the Middle East and North Africa, The World Bank
- Youth Employment : A Human Development Agenda for the Next Decade, The World Bank
- SME Contributions to Employment, Job Creation, and Growth in the Arab World, The World Bank
- MENA Quarterly Economic Brief, January 2014 : Growth Slowdown Heightens the Need for Reforms, The World Bank
- Global Employment Trends 2014: The risk of a jobless recovery, International Labour Organization
- The Impact of Vocational Training for the Unemployed : Experimental Evidence from Turkey, The World Bank
- Labor Mobility, Economic Shocks, and Jobless Growth : Evidence from Panel Data in Morocco, The World Bank
- Economic Inequality in the Arab Region, The World Bank
- Economic Development and Female Labor Participation in the Middle East and North Africa : A Test of the U-Shape Hypothesis, The World Bank
- Jobs or Privileges : Unleashing the Employment Potential of the Middle East and North Africa, The World Bank
- MENA Quarterly Economic Brief, July 2014 : Predictions, Perceptions and Economic Reality, The World Bank
- Striving for Better Jobs : The Challenge of Informality in the Middle East and North Africa, The World Bank
- Youth Unemployment in the Arab World: What Do We know? What is the Way Forward? United Nations University
- Emerging good practices related to training and job placement of persons with disabilities in Lebanon, International Labour Organisation
- Palestinian Employment in Lebanon - Facts and Challenges: Labour Force Survey among Palestinian Refugees living in camps and gatherings in Lebanon, International Labour Organisation
- Assessment of the impact of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and their employment profile, International Labour Organisation
- Labour market transitions of young women and men in Jordan, International Labour Organisation
- Updating poverty estimates at frequent intervals in the absence of consumption data : methods and illustration with reference to a middle-income country, The World Bank
- Labour market transitions of young women and men in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, International Labour Organisation
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