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Arab Development Assistance: Four Decades of Cooperation , The World Bank
Inclusion and Resilience: The Way Forward for Social Safety Nets in the Middle East and North Africa , The World Bank
Agricultural Growth is Good for Poverty Reduction and Female-headed Households in Iraq , International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Was Growth in Egypt Between 2005 and 2008 Pro-Poor? From Static to Dynamic Poverty Profile , The World Bank
Children and social protection in the Middle East and North Africa , Overseas Development Institute
Pension Reform Implementation Support Technical Assistance (PRISTA) : Institution Building in Iraq - The PRISTA Model , The World Bank
Poverty in MENA : Advances and Challenges , The World Bank
The Patterns and Determinants of Household Welfare Growth in Jordan : 2002-2010 , The World Bank
The Middle East and North Africa Community of Practice on Employment and Social Safety Nets , The World Bank
Social Protection in the Arab Region: Emerging Trends and Recommendations for Future Social Policy , UNDP
World Social Protection Report 2014-15: Building economic recovery, inclusive development and social justice , International Labour Organization
MENA Quarterly Economic Brief, July 2014 : Predictions, Perceptions and Economic Reality , The World Bank
Corporate social responsibility across Middle East and North Africa , Sabanci University
Social protection in the Arab region: The challenging concept and the hard reality , Social Watch
Yemen's New Government Faces Long-Standing Demographic Challenges , Population Reference Bureau
Top incomes and the measurement of inequality in Egypt , The World Bank
Innovative procurement practices in Iraq's social safety net programme , The World Bank
Financial Assessment of the cost of providing health care coverage for Palestinain refugees in Lebanon , International Labour Organisation
The State of Social Safety Nets 2014 , The World Bank
MENA data book , The World Bank
Annual Report on North Africa 2014 , African Development Bank Group
Policy notes and statements
Academic publications
Bringing Social Policy Back In: A Look at the Middle East and North Africa , International Journal of Social Welfare
Social Security in Egypt: An Analysis and Agenda for Policy Reform (Markus Loewe) , Social Science Research Network
Improving the Social Protection of the Urban Poor and Near-Poor in Jordan: The Potential of Micro-Insurance , Social Science Research Network
Middle East/North Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: Implications for German Development Cooperation , Social Science Research Network
The Third Way to Social Protection: Promoting Group-Based Micro Insurance (Markus Loewe) , Social Science Research Network
Pension Schemes and Pension Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa (Markus Loewe) , Social Science Research Network
Caring for the Urban Middle Class: The Political Economy of Social Protection in Arab Countries (Markus Loewe) , Social Science Research Network
A Multidimensional Approach to Poverty: Theory and Application to the City of Marrakech , Middle East Development Journal
Social Health Protection in Arab Countries (Markus Loewe) , Social Science Research Network
New Avenues to be Opened for Social Protection in the Arab World , International Journal of Social Welfare
Protecting the Old in a Young Economy: Old Age Insurance in the West Bank and Gaza Strip , International Social Security Review