- Tuition fee waiver is eligible for MSc Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development only.
- Duration of fee waiver will be for the duration of successful students’ registration (2 years).
- Fee waiver is applicable for home/EU or overseas offer holders.
- A £1,000 per annum reduction in tuition fee of the home/EU or overseas tuition fee rate as set by the University.
- Fee waiver is eligible for MSc Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development newly-registering 2018/19 students only.
- Students receiving the fee waivers are expected to commence study at the start of the course (September 2018). The fee waiver cannot be deferred to the following academic year.
- If a student suspends their study for a period of time then the funding will be suspended for this period. If a student withdraws, the remaining value of the fee waiver must be refunded to the University.
- Continuation of the fee waiver for the duration of the course is dependent on the student satisfactorily meeting any progression and reporting requirements throughout the period of study, fulfilling all such requirements as may be in force within the Department.
Updated: 2 May 2018