The DECkNO Working Paper Series is entitled Multiversum: Decolonising for Social Change Working Papers and is registered as ISSN 2753-684X. All submissions will undergo light peer-review by one member of DECkNO and one external reviewer. After passing peer review, each paper is published on this page with links provided in Pure. Full guidance for authors can be found here.
Working papers should be submitted to any of the WP Series editors:
- Ana Cecilia Dinerstein:
- María José Ventura Alfaro:
- Calum Wheeler
3: McIntosh, S. (2023) Dialogue with my selves: de/colonising knowledge and research methodologies
2: Dinerstein, A. C. (2023) Addressing the internal colonialism within feminisms by decolonising Marxism
1: Icaza, R. (2023) Tanteando en la oscuridad: Decolonial Feminist Horizons