We are thrilled to welcome Dr Zainab Mai-Bornu, a former University of Bath PhD student, for this year's Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies Athena SWAN lecture.
Zainab, currently a lecturer in international politics at the University of Leicester, will discuss her research on gender and conflict in Nigeria and decolonising knowledge production in Africa during her 'using participatory and visual methodologies as tools for knowledge production: why women’s voices matter' talk.
In addition to publishing on decolonising academic practice from an African perspective, Zainab has also published research into political violence and oil conflict in Nigeria. In 2019, she also produced a research film entitled, ‘Bringing Women’s Voices Back in: Gender and Oil Conflict in the Niger Delta’.
All staff and students are welcome to attend. We especially encourage undergraduate and postgraduate students to come along. This is an in-person event, but you can join us online if you are unable to attend.