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Supporting your child's UCAS application for courses starting in 2026 (29 May 2025)

A session for parents and guardians of children applying to university courses starting from 2026

  • 29 May 2025, 6.00pm to 29 May 2025, 7.00pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • This is an online event.
  • This event is free
Student and parent
Find out about supporting your child's application and ask us your questions

This session will provide an overview of the university application process for parents of students looking to apply for 2026 entry. It will provide advice on how to support your child throughout their application and guidance on applying for competitive courses.

You will hear from our Admissions & Outreach team and will be able to ask them any questions you have.

While this session will be beneficial if your child is considering applying to Bath, we hope it will be relevant to everyone.

Book your place


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If you have any questions please contact us