Who can get help
We provide support to all students at the University and we can help you increase your productivity for. Our support can be of particular use to students with injuries or disabilities, including those who may have or experience:
- specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- blindness or visual impairment
- deafness or hearing impairment
- physical impairment or mobility issues
- social communication impairments such as Autistic Spectrum disorders
- a long-standing illness or medical condition
- a mental health condition such as anxiety
How to get help
You can contact the Disability Service who will discuss how the University can help you and they may refer you to us. They'll also explain how to apply for Disabled Students' Allowances, and they may grant you access to our Assistive Technology Space.
We recommend the above route for contacting us, as the Disability Service can help you with a broad range of needs. However, you can also get support without referral by contacting us directly.
How we can help you
When we have received your request, we'll contact you to arrange a consultation. We will discuss solutions suitable to your needs. You can ask any questions you have and learn about what tailored solutions are available. You can also:
- try out our free and licensed software
- loan equipment and software to test or until your purchased equipment arrives
- find out about our Assistive Technology Space
If you require any additional equipment or software for permanent use, this can be funded by Disabled Student Allowance. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for a Disabled Student Allowance, for example, if you are an international student, we can direct you to free software. Alternatively, you will need to consider other sources of funding to purchase equipment, including the hardship fund.