The University’s Quality Assurance (QA) Code of Practice is the key reference document through which we develop and implement an effective and efficient quality management framework, assuring ourselves of the quality and standards of our provision. It is also one of the channels of communication through which good practice in learning and teaching is encouraged and disseminated.
You may also wish to read the introduction to Quality Management at the University.
The list below includes all QA Code of Practice statements which apply to apprenticeship courses. For documentation relating to all other forms of provision please see Quality Assurance Code of Practice. Statements which are specific only to apprenticeship courses are indicated using (A) in the name.
If you have any questions relating to a statement, please approach the contact listed at the start of each statement. This may be a Faculty or School Assistant Registrar or a Professional Services team.
The Code of Practice for Apprenticeship Courses
QA3 Approval of New Programmes of Study
QA4 Amendments to Programmes of Study and Units and Approval of New Units
QA8 Professional Accreditation
QA9 Professional Development and Recognition for All Staff and Students who Teach and Support Learning
QA12(A) External Examining (Apprenticeship Courses)
QA13 Degree Scheme Review
QA16 Assessment, Marking and Feedback
QA22(A) Please note, subject to University approval, QA22(A) is scheduled to be published in 2024.
QA33(A) Personal Tutoring (Apprenticeship Courses)
QA35 Assessment Procedures for Taught Programmes of Study
QA38(A) Induction of Student Apprentices
QA41 Distance Learning Provision
QA44 Programme Handbooks and Programme Specifications
QA45 Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning
QA45(A) Recognition of Prior Learning (Apprenticeship Courses)
QA48 Student Engagement with Quality Assurance and Enhancement
QA51(A) Monitoring and Enhancement (Apprenticeship Courses)
QA53 Examination and Assessment Offences
QA55 Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance