You should familiarise yourself with the information on the following pages:
- IMCs overview page - a guide to IMC procedures including help to understand if this is the correct route for you and how a claim may affect your academic outcome
- Reasons and evidence for requesting a coursework extension or IMC - a guide to help you understand what would normally be considered accepted reasons and evidence for an IMC or coursework extension
How to submit your claim
Complete your department/Faculty/School IMC report form:
- report form and submission instructions for all Faculty of Engineering & Design and Faculty of Science students (including postgraduate clinical pharmacy (AP3T) courses)
- report forms and submission instructions for all Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences students
- report forms and submission instructions for all School of Management students
- Online Masters students (not including postgraduate pharmacy courses) – contact your Student Support Co-ordinator for instructions on submitting an IMC claim
If you wish, you can approach SU Advice & Support for independent advice before you submit your form.
You can also speak to your Director of Studies, Student Experience Officer (School of Management), Assessments Officer (Department of Social & Policy Sciences), Academic Advisor, the Disability Service or the Wellbeing Service.
Submit the form and any evidence by the deadline for submitting your IMC claim. You should try to provide any supporting your evidence with the form, but you are able to provide it later, if necessary.
Completing the IMC report form
The form has five sections:
Your details
Information about you
Details of the affected assessment
Details of your affected assessments – you should list the assessment item(s) i.e., exam, in-class test, etc. that were affected.
Your reason for submitting a claim
This section is for you to explain the nature of your circumstances rather than the detail. It asks you to be specific about what has prevented you from undertaking your assessment or what has significantly impaired your assessment performance.
This section also allows the University to (anonymously) understand the general reasons why students are submitting IMC claims in order to help us improve our support where appropriate. Please make sure to read and follow the guide on what is, and is not normally considered an accepted reason for an IMC claim.
Your statement
In this section, you'll be able to go into detail about your circumstances and the impact they had on your assessment (this might include not being able to submit your work). Word lengths are included as a guide to how much detail you need to go into. The information you share will help the panel to understand your circumstances and the impact.
Evidence provides confirmation of what happened, and when. It helps to provide clarity to the panel about your circumstances and how they affected your assessment performance. Please make sure to read and follow the guide on what is, and is not normally acceptable as evidence.
We recognise that some evidence can be difficult to obtain. Therefore:
- Your evidence does not have to be an official document or certificate, especially if the circumstances are health related and you do not need to provide multiple pieces of evidence if they all confirm the same thing.
- Your evidence may come later than your submission of an IMC claim form. If you need longer to provide evidence, you should explain this on your claim form. Your claim form must be submitted by the deadline.
- You do not need to provide original copies of your evidence. With electronic evidence you can provide a screenshot if you need to. With physical documents you can submit a scanned copy or a digital photograph of the original. If you are not comfortable with electronic submission of your evidence, you should speak with your Director of Studies/Student Experience Officer (School of Management)/Assessments Officer (Department of Social & Policy Sciences) for advice.
- If your evidence was not originally produced in English, then an official translation must be provided.
When considering your IMC claim, it will be the severity of the impact on your assessment that is relevant, rather than the severity of the impact on you as an individual. Of particular note will be when the circumstances occurred; if they were unexpected, unplanned and/or outside of your control; and how they impacted on your assessment performance (as opposed to your ability to study).
The information you provide will be treated in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Statement for Student Registration. If you are concerned about providing evidence or about disclosing a sensitive, personal situation you may wish to speak confidentially with SU Advice & Support or Student Support.
Deadline for submitting your IMC claim
You should submit your IMC claim as soon as you can after an affected assessment and by no later than the following deadlines:
- for a single/individual assessment, submit your claim no later than three working days after the deadline for the affected work.
- if circumstances affect more than one of your assessments during the formal assessment period, you must submit your claim for all affected assessments no later than three working days after the end of the assessment period.
Further information
Please read our overview of IMCs for information on how your claim will be considered and how you will find out the outcome.