Project status
1 Oct 2023 to 1 Sep 2026
1 Oct 2023 to 1 Sep 2026
Projected price rises of metals required for the energy transition, such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel, has led to a variety of promises by state actors for increased development in the countries they are extracted from.
Two potential mid-level producers of these metals are Zambia and Zimbabwe, who are currently in the process of exploring strategies to both accommodate demand and improve socio-economic development.
This study focuses on these temporalities of extraction, analysing how differing perceptions of the future influence actions of governments, businesses, and communities involved in the ETM value chains. The overall aim is to better understand the recent changes in the mining sector and the temporalities of the political economy of development.
This project is funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
Aidan's primary research focuses on the political economy of the extractives sector in Sub-Saharan Africa through a temporal lens. In particular, I focus on the hydrocarbon sector in East Africa, and the battery metals sector in Southern Africa.
If you have any questions about this project, please contact us.