Department of PoLIS postgraduate course specification 2024/25: TPLS degrees
Detailed information for students about postgraduate translation and professional language skills courses in the Faculty of HSS, academic year 2024/25.
Your course specification includes a course description, details about awards, assessment regulations and course structure.
Translation and Professional Language Skills (TPLS) degrees:
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (French)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (French and German)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (French and Italian)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (French and Russian)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (French and Spanish)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (German)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (German and Spanish)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Italian)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Italian and German)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Italian and Spanish)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Russian)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Russian and Italian)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Russian and Spanish)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Russian and German)
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Spanish)
Translation with Business Interpreting (Chinese) degree:
- MA TPLS - 1 year full-time (Chinese)
Alongside your course specification, you are expected to read and be familiar with the contents of your Course Handbook. It contains important services and information that you should be aware of whilst studying here at Bath.
Course specifications:
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