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Our Shared City - Bath's Student Community Partnership

If you are a student resident or permanent resident in the city of Bath, the Student Community Partnership is here to help. This is Our Shared City.

The Student Community Partnership (or SCP) is a bridge between the University of Bath and our Students’ Union, Bath Spa University and its Students’ Union, Bath College and its Students’ Union, Norland College and Bath and North East Somerset Council.

It supports student residents and permanent residents in coming together and living in the community of Bath.

What the Student Community Partnership does

Here for the whole city

The SCP campaigns for good neighbourly relations, safety, sustainability and other aspects of community awareness.

The partnership facilitates opportunities for volunteering and advocates for active citizenship. It helps all residents in the city to work together to benefit the community and ensures all residents have an active voice.

The SCP also offers support when issues arise as we all live life together. The SCP is here for the community of Bath as we all share our city.

Support for students and residents during Covid-19

An update on our 'Be Safe' campaign and support available

We fully understand that local residents and our students will have a lot of questions about how we plan to return students to Bath this year within Covid-19 guidelines.

We have all had to adapt to a new reality – COVID-19 has meant we’ve had to make changes to the way we live. By working together as a community, we can take steps individually and together, to minimise risk.

At the University of Bath we are guiding our students through our 'Be Safe' campaign, with the aim of supporting them in complying with government guidelines and in being good citizens as they live and work in the city of Bath. We are working with colleagues through the SCP to ensure messaging reaches all students in Bath, regardless of which institution they are registered at.

We are also putting in place a number of new measures to ensure the safety of students and members of the public at this time, from creating study and socialisation spaces in town to reduce pressure on transport services, through to the introduction of Shared Living Agreements for students in shared houses.

Get in touch

How to contact the Student Community Partnership

The Student Community Partnership aims to help manage any issues which may arise related to university students living in the city of Bath. The more information you can provide, the better the SCP can respond to your case.