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Department of Physics research

We have a thriving research programme, encompassing physics from the nanoscales to the most energetic processes in the Universe.

Our Research Groups

Our research covers a wide spectrum of activities, from fundamental physics to technological applications.


A pair of disc galaxies in the late stages of a merger. Credit: NASA.

We study exploding stars, growing galaxies and feeding black holes in an expanding Universe.

Impact from our Research Excellence

96% of our submitted research activity was ranked as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF2021). Learn more about how our research helps to shape a better future.

Our Research Centres and Research Themes

Our research centres and themes build a lively research community across intra- and iter-disciplinary fileds.

Healthcare and Biophysics theme

close up

This theme builds on our strengths in photonic materials and semiconductor physics for diagnostics and bioelectronic medicine. We work closely with CTI.

Energy Materials theme

csct cogwheel image

The energy materials theme encompasses solar cells, batteries and innovative methods for scavenging or converting energy and we work closely with CSCT.

Research stories

Find out more about the work that's happening in our research centres and facilities.

Our Contribution to Other Research Centres

We are also involved in a number of cross-disciplinary research centres within the Faculty of Science.

Institute for Mathematical Innovation

IMI logo

The Institute for Mathematical Innovation delivers multi-disciplinary and mathematically grounded research for real-world, societal and industrial challenges.

Our Facilities

Explore our state-of-the-art facilities available for teaching, research and industry with expert support from University staff.

David Bullett Nanofabrication Facility

Some equipment in the David Bullett Nanofabrication Facility

We provide access and training on specialist equipment for micro-scale and nano-scale fabrication for University of Bath researchers and external organisations.

Fibre Fabrication Facility

An optical fibre preform in the fabrication facility at Bath

Find out about how we use our optical fibre fabrication facility to make speciality optical fibre and how you can access the facility for your own work.

Doctoral Training

We offer projects over a broad spectrum of subject areas. Projects are available as part of Centres for Doctoral Training as well as on an individual basis.

Doctoral College

Students discussing project

We support and enrich the experience of our doctoral researchers and play a key role in developing policy and strategy relevant to doctoral study.

Join us

Apply now for one of our academic positions.

Research Consortium

Find out more about research consortia in which we participate.

Major Grants

Find out more about some of our major research grants.


CResPace - Adaptive Bio-electronics for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Disease

CResPace - Adaptive Bio-electronics for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Disease


MICROCOMB - Applications and Fundamentals of Microresonator Frequency Combs

MICROCOMB - Applications and Fundamentals of Microresonator Frequency Combs


MAESTRO - MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitable

MAESTRO - MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitable

Our Spin Out and Start Up Companies

Find out more about our spin out and start up companies, that have resulted from commercialising our research.

Ceryx Medical

Ceryx Medical Logo

Ceryx Medical is developing bioelectronics to help control a range of autonomic or rhythmical body processes such as peristalsis, heart rate and even walking.

GLOphotonics SAS

Glophotonics Logo

GLOphotonics SAS is a French start-up set up to commercialise hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF) and their functionalised form Photonic Microcells™.

ORCA Computing

Ocra computing logo

ORCA Computing’s mission is to build photonic systems that demonstrate quantum advantage, developing quantum computers for real-world applications.


VeriQloud logo

VeriQloud's mission is to unlock the power of quantum communication networks, by working on the applications, software and architectures.

Department of Physics

Find out more about our department including our courses and staff.