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Bath student is making economics POPular

Mohammad Lone talks about how studying at Bath fits with his passion for economics, and his efforts to make the science more accessible with his blog.

Mohammad Lone's portrait in front of a building
Studying at Bath has helped Mohammad to establish a team of diverse contributors for his popular economics blog site.

A curiosity and desire to understand our world

'Having read a lot about the world’s great economic issues, from the 2007 financial crash to the rapidly inflating price of Freddo chocolate bars, I found myself as an A-Level student knowing quite a lot, but not necessarily comprehending all of it.

'I wanted to understand the world better, and be able to come to my own conclusions about the issues that affect us all, which is why I decided to study economics.'

A degree to suit your interests

'The essentials of economics always get covered in the core units, however Bath encourages you to pursue your academic interests through a wide selection of optional units.

'I have also found that our lecturers have always been open and enthusiastic to share their knowledge and latest research with us; whether in lectures or during one-to-one consultations. Plus then there is the year-long placement experience!'

Placement support on every step of the way

'Currently on my year-long placement working at a management consultancy firm, I have really begun to understand the value of the careers support at Bath.

'With specialist support available from the Economics Placement Officer as well as the University's Careers Service, I was helped to not only get the placement, but I continue to receive support to help me make the most of this year.

'Having to work a full-time job has certainly been a different experience to student life, but I’m glad to have had the opportunity to learn, and gain skills that will give me a head start when it comes to finding a graduate job.'

Blogging to make economics more accessible

'Studying economics at Bath has given perspective to what’s going on in the world. Ideas that I’ve learnt, and discussions I’ve engaged in with my peers and the academic staff have inspired much of the content on my economics blog,, where we aim to provide accessible content to help people learn about the worlds of economics and business.

'The thriving academic environment in the Department of Economics has allowed me to actively collaborate with my fellow students and academics. I’ve now built a team of contributors, most of whom are my fellow students at Bath; enabling poponomics to feature a wider spectrum of thoughts and views, and opening the site to a far wider readership.'

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