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Semester 1 skills development

Find out about the skills development opportunities available for students in Semester 1 2024/25.


Students working together in a group
Opportunities to develop your skills.

Semester 1 2024/25 programme

At-a-glance programme of skills development opportunities this Semester:

When Who for Purpose Information
Academic skills
Skills for Success workshops In-person Tues and Weds at 13:15. LOIL Mon, Tues, Weds at 17:15. All students Develop key skills to enhance your academic performance and boost your employability. Weeks 1-11. Booking required via MySkills. Subject to demand. Changes may apply.
Personalised Tutorials Different days/times. All students Individual support to develop your academic skills. 25 mins. In-person in the Skills Zone. Booking required via MySkills.
Online resources n/a All students Develop academic skills independently Self-access.
Maths & statistics
MASH drop-in 12.15-2.05pm daily All students Ask any maths, statistics or programming question In-person in the Skills Zone. Runs all semester including exam period. No booking required.
Python drop-in Tues 3.15-4.05pm 1st year maths students Ask any Python question In-person. No booking required.
Year 1 maths drop-in See timetable 1st year maths students Ask any question about year 1 mathematics units In-person. Run all semester excluding exam period. No booking required.
MASH 'Training Space' sessions Different days/times 1st year students who required maths for their course Run up to week 3. Explore 'Training Space' maths topics LOIL. Booking required.
1:1 statistics appointments Different days/times Students doing project work Help with any statistical problems relating to project work In-person in the Skills Zone or online. Run all year. Booking required.
Online resources n/a All students Develop numeracy, mathematics, statistics and typesetting skills independently Self-access.
Languages & intercultural skills
General English course Tues & Thurs: 6.15-7.45pm Students using English as a second language Improve English language Start week 2. In-person. New students need to complete a placement test.
Foreign languages courses Different days/times All students Develop language and employability skills Start week 2. Most 10 weeks. LOIL & in-person. 8 languages at different levels. Student enrolment opens 25 Sep.
British Studies courses See course information Visiting & exchange students Deepen your understanding of British literature, culture & English linguistics Weeks 1-11 (11 weeks). In-person. Booking required.
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) language sessions Different days/times All students Develop language/intercultural skills informally In-person. Sessions in different languages run by student PAL leaders.
Virtual Exchanges To be arranged All students Develop language/intercultural skills with a partner overseas Available for Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian and German.
Language Café Thurs 26 Oct, 1-2pm All students Practise language skills informally In-person in the The Edge. Refreshments provided. Booking required.
Languages drop-in Mon & Weds: 12.15-1.15pm All students Get help and support with French (Mon) and German (Weds) In-person in the Skills Zone. No booking required.
Careers/Languages drop-in Alternate Wednesdays, 1.30-3.00pm All students Find out how to develop language and employability skills In-person in the Careers Centre, WH 2.24. No booking required.
Digital skills
Code First Girls (CFG) courses Varies All female/non-binary students Develop coding skills Range of free online courses available.
Online resources n/a All students Assess and develop your digital capabilities independently Self-access.

Table abbreviations: LOIL = live online interactive learning; n/a = not applicable.

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