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Semester 2 skills development

Find out about the skills development opportunities available for students in Semester 2 2023/24.


University of Bath students in a lecture theatre, taking notes.
Opportunities to develop your skills.

Semester 2 2023/24 programme

At-a-glance programme of skills development opportunities this Semester:

When Who for Purpose Information
Academic skills
Skills enrichment workshops Tues/Weds at different times All students Develop key skills to enhance your academic performance and boost your employability Weeks 20-31. 50 mins. LOIL & in-person. Booking required.
Writing drop-in Tues/Thurs 12.15-2.05pm - alternates with Academic Writing Circles All students Ask any question about academic writing In-person in the Skills Zone. No booking required.
Academic Writing Circles Tues/Thurs 12:15-13:05 and 14:15-15:05 - alternates with writing drop-in All students Discuss and improve different aspects of your writing with peers In-person in the Skills Zone. Booking required.
1:1 writing tutorials Different days/times All students Individual support to develop your academic writing 20 mins. Online. Feedback by email also available. Booking required.
Online resources n/a All students Develop academic skills independently Self-access.
Maths & statistics
MASH drop-in 12.15-2.05pm daily All students Ask any maths, statistics or programming question In-person in the Skills Zone. Runs all semester including exam period. No booking required.
Python drop-in See timetable 1st year maths students Ask any Python question In-person. No booking required.
Year 1 maths drop-in See timetable 1st year maths students Ask any question about year 1 mathematics units In-person. Run all semester excluding exam period. No booking required.
1:1 statistics appointments Different days/times Students doing project work Help with any statistical problems relating to project work In-person in the Skills Zone or online. Run all year. Booking required.
Online resources n/a All students Develop numeracy, mathematics, statistics and typesetting skills independently Self-access.
Languages & intercultural skills
General English course Tues & Thurs: 6.15-7.45pm Students using English as a second language Improve English language Starts week 20. In-person. New students need to complete a placement test.
Foreign languages courses Different days/times All students Develop language and employability skills Start week 20. Most 10 weeks. LOIL & in-person. 8 languages at different levels. Student enrolment opens 15 Jan.
New! British Sign Language (BSL) course Weds 4-7pm All students Develop BSL and employability skills Runs weeks 19-31 (10 weeks). In-person.
British Studies courses See course information Visiting & exchange students Deepen your understanding of British literature, culture & English linguistics Runs weeks 19-31 (11 weeks). In-person. Booking required.
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) language sessions Different days/times All students Develop language/intercultural skills informally In-person. Sessions in different languages run by student PAL leaders.
Virtual Exchanges To be arranged All students Develop language/intercultural skills with a partner overseas Available for Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian and German.
Chinese Film Night Thursday 8 Feb All students A chance for all members of the University to come together to celebrate 龍年 lóng nián In-person in University Hall, 2 West. Booking required
Language Café Tues 13 Feb & Thurs 18 Apr, 1-2pm All students Practise language skills informally In-person in the The Edge. Refreshments provided. Booking required.
Languages drop-in Mon & Weds: 12.15-1.15pm All students Get help and support with French (Mon) and German (Weds) In-person in the Skills Zone from week 20. No booking required.
Careers/Languages drop-in Alternate Tuesdays, 1.30-3.00pm All students Find out how to develop language and employability skills In-person in the Careers Centre, WH 2.24. No booking required.
Digital skills
Code First Girls (CFG) courses Varies All female/non-binary students Develop coding skills Range of free online courses available.
Online resources n/a All students Assess and develop your digital capabilities independently Self-access.

Table abbreviations: LOIL = live online interactive learning; n/a = not applicable.

Academic & Employability Skills blog

Subscribe to our blog for regular tips and advice on a range of academic and employability skills topics.

Information events

Skills Centre staff will be available at a series of information events in the Library throughout Semester 2. Come along and ask us any questions about developing your academic and employability skills.

Week Date Time What can you find out about?
19 Tues 6 Feb 12.15-2.05pm Semester 2 skills development opportunities
24 Weds 13 Mar 12.15-2.05pm Academic writing
30 Tues 23 Apr 12.15-2.05pm Exams preparation

Contact the Skills Centre

If you have further questions about our support, please email the relevant team:

For the Skills Centre's latest news and updates, please visit our webpages.

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