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Macroeconomics Network in the South West Fourth Workshop

Join us at the Macroeconomics Network in the South West Fourth Workshop where we will further discuss our advanced research in macroeconomics and finance.

  • 3 Nov 2023, 10.00am to 3 Nov 2023, 6.45pm GMT
  • 2 West, University of Bath
  • This event is free

The fourth workshop of the Macroeconomics Network in the South West will focus on a variety of topics on the field of finance and macroeconomics. These include:

  • Optimal Fiscal policy
  • Firm dynamics and reallocation
  • Price setting and inflation dynamics

Workshop programme

Time Session Speaker
10am - 10.30am Coffee and Registration
10.30am - 12pm Contributed session 1
Should I Stay (in School) or Should I Go (to Work) Dr Lee Tyrrell-Hendry, University of Bath
TBC Professor Tai-Wei Hu, University of Bristol
12pm - 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm - 3pm Contributed Session 2
Firm Dynamics and Sectoral Reallocation Professor Julian Neira, University of Exeter
Optimal preemptive bailouts Dr Aliaksandr Zaretski, University of Surrey
3pm - 3.30pm Coffee Break
3.30pm - 5pm Contributed Session 3
Endogenous frequencies and large shocks: price setting in Greece during the crisis Professor Huw Dixon, University of Cardiff
Government debt management and inflation with real and nominal bonds DrcVytautas Valaitis, University of Surrey
5pm - 5.15pm Coffee break
5.15pm - 6.15pm Keynote lecture: Interest rate changes and economic activity Professor José-Víctor Ríos-Rull, University of Pennsylvania
6.15pm onwards Workshop dinner


This event is funded by the University of Bath, the University of Bristol, and the University of Surry.

More information

Find out more about this workshop You do not need to book your place at this event.


This workshop will take place in the Claverton Rooms on the University of Bath campus.

2 West University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

If you have any questions about this workshop, please contact us.