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International Support Service: What we offer

Our International Support Service provides practical advice and information to international students.

Two students sat talking on a wall
Two students sat talking on a wall

If you need support adjusting to life in the UK the International Support Service is here to help you. The service can provide practical advice and information about living in Bath and the UK and signpost you to other specialist services. We offer 1:1 appointments and facilitate groups to help you connect with peers to help you adjust to life in Bath.

What we can help you with

Practical information and advice including:

  • Transport and getting around
  • Multicultural outlets and helping you find international products
  • Food shopping in Bath
  • Finding things in Bath
  • Understanding UK culture
  • Integrating in UK social life
  • Practical aspects of culture shock
  • Getting along with other students and adapting to cultural differences
  • Accessing and understanding UK healthcare services
  • UK banking basics
  • Travel to and from the UK
  • Other international support that’s available at Bath University

If you need specific support, the following services can also help:

What to expect from a session with an International Support Advisor?

During the appointment we can discuss anything that you need support with; these appointments are guided by you.

Our aim is to improve and support your experience at Bath as an international student. We provide practical advice and information about living in Bath and the UK. We offer bookable appointments or you can ask us questions and find out more by emailing us. We also offer weekly drop-ins where you can meet other International Students.

How to see an International Support Advisor

The International Support Service offers appointments online using Microsoft Teams, by telephone, or in person if requested.

Appointments can be booked by emailing us at

Please note emails are monitored between 8am and 5pm Tuesday to Thursday excluding public holidays.

Confidentiality and safeguarding

All advice provided by the International Support Service is completely confidential. We will not discuss your case with anyone, unless:

  • you give us permission to do so
  • we need to provide services for you with other departments
  • we need to provide evidence of your eligibility for services
  • there are urgent circumstances where we need to support you and keep you and others safe

See how Student Support  deals with your confidential information.

24/7 support

If you are struggling and need advice, support, or just somebody to talk to, professional help is also available 24/7 from our free, confidential support line Be Well- Talk Now. Students can contact a trained adviser by phone from anywhere in the world.

Emergency support

If there is an immediate emergency call 999. If you are on campus, you should also alert the University Security Team on 01225 383 999 or via the Safezone app.

External sources of support are also available, including:

Information on international crisis and mental health support can be found on the following website:

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us

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