In line with the University’s strategy, we are committed to carrying out high quality research whilst ensuring that any research that involves the use of animals, human participation or personal data is undertaken with due regard for the dignity, rights, health, safety and privacy.
The role of the University of Bath’s Research Ethics Committees (RECs) - Animal Welfare and Review Ethics Board, External & Sponsorship, Biomedical Sciences, Data & Digital Science or Social Sciences - is to ensure that research projects are conducted to the highest standards of ethics and integrity.
The RECs aim to provide a high standard of research ethics expertise and professionalism in a constructive and facilitative way. By doing so, they promote an open, transparent and supportive research culture at the University.
In June 2023, the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee ratified an appeals procedure that sets out the basis on which complaints will be considered about decisions made by any of the University's Research Ethics Committees. Such a procedure is part of our commitment to fair, consistent and transparent processes.
Grounds for an appeal
An appeal against a decision made by any of the University of Bath RECs can be made on one or more of the following grounds:
- the requested amendments/changes to the research protocol are disproportionate, unreasonable or fundamentally compromise or undermine the proposed research design
- an unfavourable opinion has been issued without a right to revise the application
- there are material circumstances relating directly to the research area which the reviewing Committee was not aware of
- irregularities occurred in the review process, the nature of which cause reasonable doubt as to whether the Committee would have reached the same conclusion had the irregularities not occurred
- there is demonstrable evidence of prejudice, bias or inadequate review
Procedure to make an appeal
1. Making an appeal
1.1 If a Researcher (staff or student) wishes to appeal a decision made by the REC, the Researcher must notify the Secretary of the relevant Committee in writing using the e-mail address stated in the outcome letter. This notification must set out the reasons for the appeal within fourteen days of receiving the Committee’s decision.
1.2 The Secretary will acknowledge the appeal and will notify the Chair of the relevant Committee as well as the Chair of the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee within 3 working days.
1.3 The Chair of the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee will consider the request for appeal as follows:
(a) Should relevant new material be made available: The Chair of the AEIC will request, within 5 working days from receiving the notification, that the Chair of the relevant REC consider the new material and confirm whether or not the decision of the Committee still stands. The Chair of the REC will have 5 working days to issue a recommendation. If the recommendation from the REC Chair is that the decision from the Committee still stands, the Chair of AEIC will proceed as in paragraph (b). If the recommendation by the REC Chair is that the new material is of sufficient importance as to warrant a change in outcome or to require further REC review, they will progress this by either reviewing the outcome letter via Chair’s Action or reviewing all material again at the REC.
(b) Should insufficient or no new material be made available, or the REC Chair as per paragraph (a) confirms that the decision stands despite the new material being made available: The Chair of the AEIC will convene a small panel to consider the appeal. This will be done within 15 working days from receiving the notification or from the date of REC Chair’s confirmation that the initial decision still stands. This ‘appeal panel’ shall be constituted by a Chair from a REC which has not previously reviewed the application, 2 members of any REC which have not previously reviewed the application and a member of the Research Governance and Compliance Team who will act as Secretary. The appeal panel will consider all available documentation and will make one of the following recommendations to the Chair of AEIC:
- That the decision of the reviewing Committee is upheld and the appeal should be dismissed
- That a favourable opinion should be granted
- That a favourable opinion could be granted with minor revisions to the application
2. Outcomes of an appeal
2.1 Outcomes will be communicated to the researcher within 3 working days from the date of the decision being made. No work should start before this time.
2.2 There are no rights to further appeal once a decision has been reached.
2.3 Appeals and their outcomes will be reported to AEIC, the relevant REC, and, annually to Senate as part the annual update to Senate on ethics.