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Undergraduate offer terms and conditions

These are the standard terms and conditions of an offer of a place at Bath, representing the agreement between you and the University.

Terms And Conditions

Catherine Baldwin, Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions
2025 cycle
Approval date
01 Nov 2023
Approved by
Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions
Date of last review
01 Aug 2024
Date of next review
01 Sep 2025

Undergraduate applicants should read these terms and conditions before deciding to accept our offer of admission.

Standard terms and conditions of your offer

These terms and conditions represent an agreement between you and the University, should you decide to accept our offer of admission.

It is your responsibility to read them and make sure you understand them. Please ask if anything is unclear.

1. Delivery of your course

The University of Bath undertakes to make every reasonable effort to deliver your course in the manner outlined in our general terms and conditions.

You will be provided with a course specification detailing your course alongside your offer. Should any details of your course materially change you will be informed no later than the date specified in your offer letter.

In the unlikely event the University fully withdraws your course prior to entry, you will be notified as soon as possible and will either be offered another course at Bath for which you are appropriately qualified or the University will negotiate on your behalf for another UCAS choice.

2. Right to cancel

If you accept our offer of a place, you have the right to cancel your contract with the University within 14 days. This period will be calculated from the date you confirm your firm or insurance acceptance, whether your offer is conditional or unconditional.

If you change your mind and wish to amend or decline your firm or insurance choice you must notify the University and UCAS within 14 days of your formal acceptance of this offer. It is your responsibility to take account of UCAS application and acceptance deadlines, together with UCAS terms and conditions for students taking up places to study.

Beyond this the University will allow you to cancel your place at any time before you register as a student. Cancelling your place at Bath may affect your other options through UCAS, in accordance with their rules. Alternatively, you can decline your place using the UCAS self-release service, when applicable.

Further information, including a cancellation form, can be found on our website. We will assume that you agree you do not require a paper copy of the cancellation right and form, unless you contact us requesting one.

If you do decide to cancel your contract with the University, you may not be able to change your mind again if there are no longer places available on the course for which you held an offer.

3. Confirming a place

Your place will only be confirmed if you meet all the conditions of your offer by the deadline specified in your offer letter. If you meet the conditions of your offer after the required date you may instead be offered an unconditional place for the following year.

The University may also consider accepting you in the event that you have narrowly missed your offer or to accommodate mitigating circumstances. Further details can be found within the Admissions Policy.

4. Change of year of entry

If you wish to apply for deferred entry, you should enter this against your choices in your UCAS application. You must meet all the conditions of your offer by the deadline specified in your offer letter even when applying for a deferred entry.

If you wish to request a deferral of your offer to the next academic year, you should submit your request to the Undergraduate Admissions Team by email. You can do this at any stage up until the latest date of arrival given in your offer letter.

If you hold a deferred offer you can request to bring your entry forward to the current year. The University may be unable to fulfil these requests if your chosen course is already full. You should submit any request by email to the Undergraduate Admissions Team.

You will only be allowed to defer for more than one year if there are compelling individual reasons supported by evidence such as ill health or compulsory national service.

5. Change of circumstances

There are circumstances in which the University may choose to vary the conditions of your offer in your interest e.g. to rectify an error on our part or to make adjustments where the qualifications you study change.

If there is a change in your circumstances such that you no longer meet your course’s specific requirements, the University reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place. Withdrawing an offer will only be considered when all reasonable alternatives have been exhausted.

6. Providing evidence of qualifications

When you apply you may be required to produce satisfactory evidence of your previous qualifications (including English language qualifications such as IELTS). If requested, this will mean that you must provide the Undergraduate Admissions Team with a clear and legible copy or scan of the original document(s).

If you successfully meet the conditions of your offer you may be asked to produce the original documents, when you come to register. The University may accept copies authenticated by the issuing organisation, English language body, or a registered notary in place of an original document, but reserves the right to require the original.

7. Requests for information

You must comply with all requests for information or documentation to support your application by the deadline stated. This includes any requests for additional information or documentation relating to a fee assessment, a criminal conviction or to requests relating to the verification of your qualification certificates with the awarding body.

8. Fee status

When you accept our offer of a place, you accept our assessment in relation to your Home (UK) or Overseas fee status.

Any fee status assessment is made on the basis of the available evidence at the time in accordance with relevant Fees Regulations set by the UK Government and any relevant University policies.

The criteria for eligibility for Home (UK) fees must normally be met at the point you start your course. If you think our decision is incorrect, you should query this at the point that we notify you of your fee status and before you start registering as a student.

9. Criminal conviction declarations

You must comply, when asked, with any criminal conviction declaration the University requires you to make and you are required to notify the Director of Recruitment and Admissions at if you receive a relevant conviction, caution, reprimand or warning after you have submitted your declaration.

Any declaration will be confidentially considered under the University’s Applicant Criminal Conviction Declaration Procedure and is processed under the Data Protection Act 2018, Schedule 1, Condition 10. If as a result of this procedure it is deemed that you are unsuitable for a place on your course, your offer may be withdrawn.

10. Truthfulness, completeness and originality of your application

Your offer of a place and any subsequent invitation to register are made on the basis that the information supplied in your UCAS application, and through any other engagement with the University regarding your application, is true, complete and original. This includes that:

  • your personal statement has been written by yourself, and passes any relevant UCAS similarity detection and fraud checks
  • you hold the qualifications that you claim to hold
  • the required educational history is accurate, including all previous study and its location. If you have previously attended another higher education institution, we will normally require a reference from that university or college, including previous study at Bath
  • If appropriate, details of your employment are accurate and verifiable
  • Any required references are genuine and authored independently by the referee themselves
  • Any declarations and information subsequently supplied regarding any criminal convictions, reprimands or warnings you hold are truthful and accurate
  • Any information you or others supply through a separate admissions process, such as a mitigating circumstances form, is accurate and verifiable

Your offer will be withdrawn and, if applicable, any subsequent registration will be deemed null and void, if you are found at any time to have misrepresented any aspect of your circumstances or we find that any aspect of your application is not your own work or not genuine.

The University also reserves the right to withdraw your offer and, if applicable, deem any subsequent registration null and void if at any stage a qualification you hold is revoked by the awarding body due to suspected or confirmed malpractice.

11. Immigration permission

You must comply, by the deadlines stated, with any requests for information and documentation or other processes related to ensuring you have valid immigration permission to study in the UK:

  • if you require a student visa to study in the UK, you must comply with relevant processes when asked to support the issuing, by the University, of a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient financial resources to meet Home Office requirements but the University may request evidence of this before agreeing to issue a CAS. The University reserves the right to refuse to issue a CAS when it is not satisfied that your visa application will be successful

  • where relevant, if your course is covered by the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) you will be sent detailed information on how to apply. It is your responsibility to apply for the certificate when instructed. The University will need proof that your ATAS application has been successful from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office before you will be allowed to register for your course or the University will issue a CAS

  • you may be required to provide evidence of your identity and any relevant immigration permission you hold either before, at or after registration, as part of our responsibility to ensure that students are entitled to study in the UK. You must comply with all reasonable requests by the deadlines stated. If you fail to provide satisfactory evidence of your entitlement to study in the UK, we reserve the right to withdraw your offer and regard any subsequent registration as null and void.

12. Disability disclosures

If you have particular support needs or disabilities which may affect your ability to undertake all or part of your course, you are encouraged to disclose these and discuss them in full with the University’s Disability Advice Team. The University will do what it can to make all reasonable adjustments.

Find out about the support available to you if you have a disability. This information will help you consider your offer. The University has a Fitness to Study policy (Appendix 2: Fitness to study policy) which will apply should you join the University and encounter difficulties with your health or support needs.

13. Registration

If you register with the University of Bath as a student, you will be required to agree to abide by the statutes, ordinances and regulations  for the time being in force.

14. Arrangements for paying fees

The University will charge the appropriate tuition fee as advertised for your course. How and when your fees are paid will depend on whether you take out a tuition fee loan through the UK student loan system (if you are eligible) or whether you or a sponsor pays the fee. The University reserves the right to operate different charging policies for differently-funded students. If, for any reason, you leave your studies early, or suspend, you will need to check how this affects your liability for fees. We publish information on fee increases for future years of study.

If you or a sponsor are paying for your tuition, the fee is payable annually in advance. At registration you will be asked either to pay the tuition fee or to provide a satisfactory written undertaking from your sponsor (including the name and address of the person to whom invoices should be addressed) that your fees will be paid. You may choose to pay them in two instalments. The University reserves the right to refuse this concession to students with a poor payment record. If your sponsor fails to pay your tuition fees, you will become personally liable for the costs. A sponsor could be an employer, a commercial organisation or a government body; a sponsor is not a friend or relative who has agreed to pay your tuition fees.

The University may revoke your access to library and computing facilities in the event that any agreed payments are not made by the due date. Your access to lectures, email, library and computing facilities may also be limited or delayed by your immigration status (where, for example, you are required to obtain a new visa relating to study at Bath rather than a previous UK institution). No reduction or repayment pro rata of tuition fees is made where access to tuition and facilities are limited or removed in this way.

15. Bursaries and scholarships

If you are awarded any form of financial assistance from the University (such as a bursary or scholarship) you will be provided with detailed terms and conditions for this support. It is your responsibility to read these before accepting any award.

16. Living expenses

You are responsible for your own living expenses, and you must ensure that you have access to the necessary funding or student loan facilities before the start of your course of study. Please visit our webpages for more information about student funding and related costs.

17. Use of your data

The University of Bath will process your student data in accordance with the principles set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 18). This processing is necessary for the performance of the contract you are entering with the University of Bath in accordance with DPA 18 Schedule 9 (2)(a).

Special Category data within your student record is processed in accordance with DPA 18 Schedule 10 (9). Any subsequent processing of additional Special Category data will be covered by a separate lawful basis relevant to the service.

The information you provide through the application process will be handled in accordance with the University’s Undergraduate Applicant Privacy Notice.

18. Keeping you informed

The information provided in your application will be used during the admissions process to provide you with department or faculty news and support, details of University services and support and, if your offer of a place is confirmed, communications from the Students’ Union.

We will not pass your details to any other external third party in order for them to market products or services to you. We may, however, use third-party email management software to support our own internal communications systems.

We may also share data we hold about you with relevant third party service providers and partners authorised to act on behalf of the University. This may include disclosing limited personal data to employees, agents and partners where there is a legitimate reason to do so, including to support student recruitment and engagement activity. If your offer of a place is confirmed, your application data will be retained by the University of Bath, used for the purpose of processing your registration and added to your student record after you have registered.

19. General matters

No term of the agreement between you and the University of Bath is enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person who is not a party to the agreement.

The agreement between you and the University of Bath is governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Previous versions

Previous versions of these terms and conditions can be found at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine:

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