Project status
1 Jan 2019 to 31 Oct 2022
1 Jan 2019 to 31 Oct 2022
This project is aiming to further understand how composition of a breakfast meal influences our health. Primarily we are interested in how altering the protein and carbohydrate content of a breakfast meal alters our energy balance (such as energy intake and energy expenditure) across the day and whether these differing breakfasts result in changes in our metabolism and health.
The experimental work will begin in 2019 and aims to be completed by October 2022. We are interested in the effect of three different "breakfasts":
We will assess the responses to breakfast manipulation across 4-weeks. This will allow us to understand how the body reacts to each breakfast, including changes in energy balance and body composition, but also metabolic health.
We are looking for healthy people between the ages of 18 and 65 years, with a body mass index between 18.5 and 29.9 kg/m2. A full list of eligibility criteria can be found on our recruitment page.
This work will be funded by the University of Bath.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact us.