Physics PhD projects on

We offer projects over a broad spectrum of subject areas. Projects are available as part of Centres for Doctoral Training as well as on an individual basis.
Our research uncovers new states and phases of matter combining advanced experimental techniques with theoretical methods beyond the state of the art. We are interested in crystalline and amorphous solids with many-body correlations involving structural parameters, magnetic- or charge-ordered states, and superconductivity. Our efforts concentrate on phenomena arising from out of equilibrium conditions induced by pressure, strain or electric/magnetic/optical fields in material systems for real world disruptive applications.
Find Out More About Physics Research At BathLearn more about the research activities of our staff, research associates and PhD students.
Join us as a PhD student or member of staff. Interested students can either contact academic staff directly or see our projects on
We offer projects over a broad spectrum of subject areas. Projects are available as part of Centres for Doctoral Training as well as on an individual basis.
See available PhD projects in the Department of Physics
Advice for postdoctoral researchers about how to apply for fellowships and join the Department of Physics.
Read more on Bath Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials in the news.
Dr. Habib Rostami, from the Department of Physics at the University of Bath, has co-authored this pioneering research published in Advanced Science.
PhD student Hesam Mohammadi’s paper selected for Emerging Investigators Special Collection.
A Bath discovery opens a new route for measuring and controlling hot electrons. The hope is that more energy will be available to power solar cells.
The Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials group is part of a larger community working on Nanoscience at the University of Bath and more widely, and the group uses or maintains shared research facilities.
We are an interdisciplinary research centre bridging science and engineering.
We provide access and training on specialist equipment for micro-scale and nano-scale fabrication for University of Bath researchers and external organisations.
At Bath, we have extensive nanofabrication and characterisation facilities such as the David Bullett clean room and the imaging facility.
Take a look at recent papers, articles and conference contributions from our staff and students on our Bath Research Portal.