Global Chair Professor Steven A Farber (Johns Hopkins University)

An eminent researcher in lipid metabolism in the zebrafish, Professor Farber is hosted by Department of Life Sciences and the Milner Centre for Evolution.
Contributing to research into lipid metabolism in tropical zebrafish for health treatments, complex systems, cognitive science, and neuroscience.
An eminent researcher in lipid metabolism in the zebrafish, Professor Farber is hosted by Department of Life Sciences and the Milner Centre for Evolution.
A leading researcher in complex systems, cognitive science, and neuroscience, Prof. Kelso is hosted by the Bath Institute for the Augmented Human and the IPR.
Contributing to Bath's research on global health diseases, biomimetic nanostructures, global and Northeast Asian regional security affairs and the interaction between international security, technology and policy.
A leading expert and researcher in infectious diseases, Professor Francesca Aweeka is hosted by the Department of Life Sciences.
Hosted by the Department of PoLIS, Professor Choi is a world-renowned academic expert of global and Northeast Asian regional security affairs.
A pioneering academic in the cross-disciplinary studies of inorganic nanomaterials, Professor Nicolas Kotov is hosted by the Department of Physics.
Hosted by the Dept. of Politics, Languages & International Studies and School of Management, Prof Broeders is a leading expert in cyber governance and security.
Contributing to Bath's research on injury rehabilitation and sports performance, environmental engineering and membrane technology, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and biomedical and electronic engineering.
A Distinguished McKnight Professor, Professor Tianhong Cui is hosted by the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering.
Hosted by the Centre for Health and Injury and Illness Prevention in Sport, Professor Emery is an internationally recognised epidemiologist and physiotherapist.
A pioneer in cross-disciplinary research in Engineering and Medicine, Professor Nikita is hosted by the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering.
Professor Tang is a world-leading expert, highly respected for his work focused on environmental engineering, membrane technology, desalination and water reuse.
Contributing to Bath's research on human locomotion in sports, health and clinical settings, the circular economy and green chemistry, ‘marginalised’ educational populations and educational disadvantage and widening participation.
Hosted by the Department of Health, Prof. Minetti is a leading expert in physiology and human locomotion.
Hosted by the Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies, Professor Warner is a leading expert in green chemistry and sustainable technologies.
Co-hosted by the Departments of Education and Social & Policy Sciences, Professor Solga is an expert on educational disadvantage and labour market outcomes.
Co-hosted by the Department of Education and Centre for Learning & Teaching, Professor Burke is an expert in Higher Education policy and Widening Participation.
Contributing to Bath's research on post traumatic stress and anxiety disorders and gender, peace and security and the political economy of sexual and gender-based violence.
Hosted by the Department of Psychology, Professor Seedat is a psychiatrist specialising in mental health and post-traumatic stress disorder.
An expert on gender-based violence, Professor True is Director of the Monash Centre for Gender, Peace and Security.
Contributing to interdisciplinary perspectives in policy research on sustainability and energy infrastructure and research approaches to international development and resource conflicts, specifically between Latin America and Africa.
Hosted by the Institute for Policy Research, Professor Mitchell is a leading political theorist, historian and scholar of the Middle East.
Hosted by the Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Professor Bebbington is new Director of Natural Resources and Climate Change at the Ford Foundation.
Jointly hosted by SAMBa and the IMI, Prof. Ramsés Mena is a leading scholar in statistical applied mathematics.
Contributing to research on inorganic chemistry and terror, authoritarian violence and cosmopolitan protection, developing a post colonist theory of security.
Hosted by the Department of Chemistry, Professor Power is a leading authority in inorganic chemistry.
Hosted by the Deparment of PoLIS, Prof. Moon is a leading scholar of the Korean peace process and Special Adviser to the President of South Korea.
Links to current and past Global Chair lectures
Professor Carolyn Emery, a 2022/23 Global Chair, will give a public lecture on 'Time to SHRed Injuries: Research Informing Injury Prevention in Youth Sport'.
Global Chair Professor Warner will deliver a public lecture on Inventing a sustainable future in partnership with nature followed by a welcome reception.
A talk by Global Chair Prof. Alberto Minetti, an internationally renowned scholar in human locomotion and Distinguished Professor at the University of Milan.
If you have any questions about previous Global Chairs or future calls, please get in touch.