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Department of Physics Research Group Structure

Introduction to our research group structure and research centres.

Theory is at the centre of our five research groups and fully integrated into them. Our two Research Centres form umbrella structures bridging activities across pairs of groups focussing on photonics and condensed matter research, respectively
Theory is at the centre of our five research groups and fully integrated into them. Our two Research Centres form umbrella structures bridging activities across pairs of groups focussing on photonics and condensed matter research, respectively

Our Research

Research in the Department is organised into five Groups (Astrophysics, Optical Fibres, NanoBioPhotonics, NanoBioElectronics, Condensed Matter & Quantum Materials) that reflect the collective strengths and distinctiveness of our staff members and are well aligned with national research priorities. In particular, the group structure highlights our world-leading expertise in optical fibres and recognises our emerging leadership in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of physics and biology. It also underscores the importance of astrophysics, condensed matter physics and quantum materials, and effectively leverages our advanced research facilities and research centres. Experimental, observational and theoretical/computational activities are fully integrated within all our groups, providing an effective platform for supporting multi-faceted research projects as well as the cross-fertilisation of new research ideas.

Our Research Centres

There are strong synergies between the Optical Fibres and NanoBioPhotonics Groups and the Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials (CPPM) forms an umbrella structure to enable and support joint activities between them. In a similar way, the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CNAN) builds a bridge between the Condensed Matter & Quantum Materials and NanoBioElectronics Groups to support collaborative activities. Cross-cutting theoretical themes are also the focus of a regular Theory seminar series.


Our Astrophysics research group specialises in astrophysics and related earth science.

Centre for Photonics & Photonic Materials

See below our research groups within the Centre for Photonics & Photonic Materials.

Optical Fibres

Image showing a bundle of optical fibres lit at the end

World leading expertise in linear and nonlinear light propagation in optical fibres, based on our capability to design, fabricate and explore novel fibres.


Artist's impressino of molecules and scattered light. Image credit: Ventsislav Valev, Kylian Valev, Eva Valev, Robin

We study light-matter interactions in bio-inspired nanomaterials to engineer photonic properties and develop tools for energy, dynamics and structural analysis.

Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechology

See below our research groups within the Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechology.


Flexible electronic component

Our group develops electronic materials, devices and physical models at the interface with biology and bioelectronic medicine.