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Foreign languages courses for University of Bath students

Find out more about the languages we offer.

Foreign language course students taking part in a class discussion in a classroom
Develop your language and intercultural skills

All students at the University of Bath can take a language course alongside their degree.

General information about our courses is available here.

Importance of language skills

Speaking another language will give you a significant advantage in today’s competitive global employment market. Learning a language also develops a wide range of vital employability skills.

We aim to increase your cultural awareness and communication skills and build your confidence to travel, study and work abroad.

Language courses

We offer courses in seven languages, all starting from beginner level. Where applicable, the course levels are based on the Common European Framework.

You can find information about the courses we offer by visiting the language page you are interested in:


Please read the course descriptions on each language page carefully before you enrol. You should take the placement test where available or speak with your teacher if you are unsure about your level.

Please check your timetable and make sure you have the time and commitment to attend a language course before you register.

Note, your language courses are registered through MySkills instead of SAMIS, so they will not show on MyTimetable or on SAMIS. Please make a note of your lesson time and location in your calendar.

We advise you only take one course per semester due to the time and commitment required. If you would like to join more than one, please contact as you will need approval from one of the course leaders.

Certificate of completion

The courses are not formally assessed. Attendance and autonomous learning are essential to make full progress. Your teacher will take a register each lesson.

When you successfully complete your course, you can request a certificate of completion. Please complete the certificate request form.

There’s a possibility to enter for an external examination in German and French. Your teacher will provide you with more information when you enrol on our courses.


If you need to cancel your booking, please do so on MySkills as soon as you can or get in touch with We often have long waiting lists so cancelling promptly allows other students to take your place.

If you do not attend lessons two weeks after your course begins you will be marked as withdrawn.

Changes to the programme

Whilst every effort is made to avoid changes to the programme, published details may be altered without notice at any time. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend any part of this programme without prior notice.

Other ways to learn languages

There are lots of other opportunities to develop your language skills:


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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