Autumn and Spring semesters
We offer a full range of in-person and virtual engagement opportunities to bring you closer to our students and graduates. Graduate engagement is highest in October/November and the employer engagement diary is the busiest during these weeks.
If we are missing anything, please get in touch.
We look forward to supporting your recruitment campaigns and can offer help and advice at any point needed.
The team
The Employer Engagement Team is a small, friendly team that coordinates all of the cross-university employer activity from the large Autumn Careers Fair through to bespoke events and target emails. We work closely with a wide variety of employers, helping you to connect with our students and recent graduates.
Are you hoping to raise your profile or are you targeting a specific cohort? Get in touch for recommendations on how to work with our students.
Contact us to request more information on our pricing and availability. We look forward to working with you.
Opportunity advertising
We advertise your opportunities online through our Recruit@Bath system all year round. You will need to register if you haven't used the system before.
For more information on what we advertise and our procedures, see our vacancy handling policy.
Please note our system has recently had an upgrade which requires all contacts to re-set their passwords. This will only need to be done once.
Dates for our events
Autumn term: October to November – bookings normally open early Summer
Spring term: February to April - bookings normally open from early December
These dates are planned to accommodate semester dates and students' assessments in January and May, but we can deliver requests outside of these dates.
Recruitment events
For more information and pricing please contact the Employer Engagement Team.
Employer events are a major feature of our event programme. They give you an opportunity to meet students in person or virtually and promote your organisation.
We are flexible and able to adapt our offering to support your recruitment goals, and can design a bespoke recruitment campaign for you.
All recruitment presentations by employers fall under our Career Discover category. Give our students the opportunity to learn about your company and sector. You can choose to engage students virtually, on or off campus over lunch or early evening. We can support your recruitment by advising you on how best to target specific cohorts.
Examples of Discover employer events:
- Employer recruitment presentations
- Parade stands
- Panel events
- Careers Fairs
Alongside recruitment presentations, we give employers the opportunity to deliver workshops.
Our series of daytime talks and workshops provide a platform to profile your organisation while cultivating our students’ employability. These sessions generally take place on campus or virtually and are open to all students. Delivering a skills workshop or an occupational talk is an excellent way to raise your profile on campus, and because you are offering a service there is no administration charge. We ask employers to submit a brief on what they will deliver so that we can ensure an impartial and varied programme.
Please be aware the workshops are often ‘mystery-shopped’ by Student Staff and content may be shared in blogs and on social media.
Examples of Act employer events:
- Mock Assessment Centres
- Mock Interviews
- Case Study interviews
- Competency interviews
- Strengths interview
- Psychometric testing
For more information on how we can help or to discuss your requirements, contact the Employer Engagement Team.
Careers fairs
Fairs provide an excellent opportunity for you to meet a wide range of students from all disciplines and years. Since Autumn 2022 we have once again delivered all our fairs in person on campus.
For further details, pricing & to request a booking form please contact Victoria Houston, our Careers Fairs Organiser.
We promote to all years and disciplines.
Find out more about the Autumn Careers and Placements Fairs
Find out more about the Spring Fair
Advertising and sponsorship
We offer a range of options and packages including:
- digital advertising
- web page sponsorship
- fairs sponsorship with your fair booking
- target emailing
Contact us for more information about availability and pricing.
Promoting employer information
Students can browse organisations registered and approved in our Recruit@Bath system. Please ask if you want to update your information or check if your organisation is included.
Please note that:
- We reserve the right to use our discretion to accept, store, link to or display employer material.
- We do not usually hold physical information for employers.
- We will decide the length of time the material is stored or a link provided.
- We reserve the right to hold information about providers written by third parties, including press articles, reports written by students on selection experiences and work experience, and reports by careers staff and students following employer meetings and events.
Employer guides
We have produced a variety of employer guides to assist with common queries:
- Internships
- Opportunity engagement
- Posting opportunities
- Ensuring inclusivity at events
- Understanding Visas