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Vaccines for all: creating models to support large-scale vaccination

Professor Güneş Erdoğan receives grant to research the best ways to distribute and administer Covid-19 vaccines.

The current Covid-19 crisis has put healthcare systems under enormous pressure. Although the number of people hospitalised with Covid is slowly reducing in countries across Western Europe, the current crisis will not be fully stopped until a vaccine is rolled out across the world.

Professor Güneş Erdoğan has received a grant to continue his research, which aims to develop location, routing and prioritisation/allocation models to distribute and administer vaccines among the population in an efficient, timely and fair way. The project launched in April 2021 and will run until the end of March 2023.

The project will develop:

  • models for the location and routing of medical facilities to administer vaccines to people based on disease transmission models, minimising risks of disease transmission and maximising population reach
  • scenarios for prioritisation and dynamic simulation for allocation of vaccine quantities and vaccination capacity