Addiction and Mental Health Group (AIM)
We aim to reduce the impact of addiction and mental ill-health on individuals and communities. Our research informs the public, policy and clinical practice.
We aim to reduce the impact of addiction and mental ill-health on individuals and communities. Our research informs the public, policy and clinical practice.
Our research covers topics in group theory, representation theory, Lie algebras, algebraic and differential geometry, and analytic and algebraic number theory.
Our research spans the analysis of PDEs, calculus of variations, dynamical systems, operator theory, pseudo-differential operators and semiclassical analysis.
Our research includes industrial mathematics, mathematical biology, networks and continuum mechanics of solids and fluids.
Our research group investigates artificial intelligence and machine learning, including the nature of intelligence and how to build intelligent systems.
We study exploding stars, growing galaxies and feeding black holes in an expanding Universe.
Our research explores how infants and young children see and interact with the world around them. We're interested in the factors that impact their development.
Advancing knowledge and delivering products and solutions with medical, industrial and agricultural impact, via study and use of molecules, cells and organisms.
Our mission is to improve cancer patient outcomes by fostering links between Bath’s scientists and clinicians.
Understanding the molecular and genomic processes regulating cell function in development, health and disease.
We focus on finding the balance between governance, regulation and strategic planning to ensure the effective functioning of organisations, regions and markets.
We examine key questions relating to mental health, wellbeing and development in children and young people, including a focus on intervention research.
Our research concerns the study of identity and discourse in different social contexts.
We are interested in how we use our brains to perceive the world around us. Our focus is multisensory perception and cognition.
Optimising patient and population health outcomes through translational research.
Our research group investigates how and why people and groups interact with digital technology and the psychological impact it has on their lives.
We focus on time series and panel data econometrics for the analysis of macroeconomic and financial data.
Our interdisciplinary research focuses on wellbeing and inclusion across the life course - from childhood and adolescence, through to adulthood and end of life.
We research how education affects the broader structures of power that maintain (and/or transform) unequal life chances in contemporary societies.
Applying evolutionary concepts to fundamental questions in biology with a drive to address real world challenges through research, education, and outreach.
Our research explores evolving issues that are shaping the future of politics. These range from digital technologies to climate change.
Our research explores the role of gender in politics and society.
A Research Theme dedicated to the understanding of the nature and evolution of political, market and social institutions and their role on economic welfare.
An interdisciplinary research network of leading academics, helping people remain independent, productive, active and socially connected for longer.
We conduct research into the design and evaluation of mobile and ubiquitous technologies.
We explore the interactions between computer systems and their human users.
We are an influential group of researchers who publish in leading journals. Our research areas include supply chain management, cyber security and forecasting.
A Research Theme dedicated to the study of the drivers of innovation and how innovation translates into productivity in the economy.
We research international and comparative education, focusing on international systems of schooling, curricula, assessment, and leadership.
We bring together scholarship and curriculum on international relations as an interdisciplinary field of research.
We research the role of language in knowledge, education, power, ideology, identity and society, and the teaching and learning of languages.
We explore the relationship between mathematics and computer science.
Understanding the role of microbes, and the host response to them, in health and disease.
We research how quantum mechanical and thermodynamic properties of molecules, nanostructures, multilayers and glassy materials can be modified.
We are a group of researchers actively engaged in brain imaging and brain stimulation methods.
An interdisciplinary group from psychology, biology and biochemistry, pharmacy and pharmacology, physics and computer science and local hospital research teams.
A research group for the study of all forms of reactionary movements, politics and resistance to them.
Our research focuses on reimagining education and its transformative potential for humans, and non-humans, now and in the future.
Our research covers various areas in social psychology to understand social and cultural cognition and its underpinnings at both individual and societal levels.
A Research Theme exploring the wider drivers of health, wellbeing and behaviour. We study economic resources, education, the environment and social networks.
We specialise in environmental and epidemiological statistics, sequential clinical trials, Bayesian statistics, smoothing and functional data analysis.
We explore stress, anxiety, resilience, and thriving in sport and other domains – such as healthcare, the military, business, and performing arts.
A Research Theme that helps to encourage people and societies to move towards lifestyles that have lower adverse impacts on the environment.
Our multidisciplinary, international research group examines how companies influence health and policy; and evaluates and provides evidence for policy change.
We work at the intersection of computer vision and computer graphics.