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Business @ Breakfast

The School of Management's successful monthly networking meeting focusing on best practices in business.

  • 26 Sep 2024, 8.00am to 26 Sep 2024, 10.00am BST (GMT +01:00)
  • Incepta, 10 East, University of Bath
  • This event is free

Business @ Breakfast, our successful monthly networking meeting, brings together academics from the School of Management and professionals from Bath, Bristol and the surrounding areas for informative talks, networking and discussion around best practices and any issues facing businesses.

This event is suitable for:

  • Company Directors
  • Senior Managers
  • Founders
  • Individuals responsible for learning and development/HR within a business
  • Talent Directors

We want our future sessions to be guided by you, focusing on the topics that you feel would be beneficial for your business. Please let us know what you would like to hear about at subsequent events.

This month's discussion

Higher performance, happier people and better relationships. Are the questions you’re asking helping achieve these goals or hindering them?

We ask questions of our people throughout every working day. In this interactive session, our speaker Ben Simpson will invite you to think about the impact of the types of questions you ask. If you'd like your team to take more responsibility, collaborate and focus on improvement, maybe it starts by joining this conversation.

Our speaker - Ben Simpson

Ben is a consultant and thinking partner who works with leaders and their teams to create better relationships, improve trust, increase autonomy, ditch bureaucracy and enable people to be the best performing, and happiest version of themselves at work. A fierce critic of traditional (command and control) management, he guides those that he works with towards more human-centric ways of leading, organising and managing. This work has a strong evidence base as it is informed by the diagnostics that his consultancy has developed. Ben is co-founder of Organisational Vitality, Director and Chairman of the Deming Alliance UK, Co-organiser of Reinventing Work Bath and visiting lecturer on the Bath MBA.

Event registration


This event takes place in the University of Bath School of Management building

Incepta 10 East University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

Get in touch if you have any questions about Business @ Breakfast.