Further information about our Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)
Name | Cohort | Reference | Project type |
Emma Wilson | 2021 | Wilson, E., Loades, M.E., Human, S., Coetzee, B., Kruger, H., & Laning, G. (accepted). The Impact of the First Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Referral Patterns and Therapeutic Service Provision for Children and Young People’s Psychosocial Distress in a LMIC: A Service Evaluation of Routinely Collected Data from a Non-Government Organisation Operating in Schools in The Western Cape, South Africa. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. | Service-related project |
Hannah Long | 2020 | Hannah Long, Kate Cooper, Ailsa Russell. ‘Autism is the Arena and OCD is the Lion’: Autistic adults’ experiences of co-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder and repetitive restricted behaviours and interests. Autism, Sage Journals. | Main research project |
Claudia Chow | 2020 | Chow, C., & Cooper, K. (2024). What Are the Lived Experiences of Strengths in Autistic Individuals? A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis. Autism in Adulthood. | Literature review |
Kane Baker | 2020 | Baker, K., Chioran, B., & Marks, E. (2024). “Eco-caring together” pro-ecological group-based community interventions and mental wellbeing: a systematic scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1288791. | Literature review |
Alice Austin | 2020 | Craft, S., Austin, A., Tooth, T., Glover, C., Garrett, T., Blagbrough, I. S., ... & Freeman, T. P. (2023). Synthetic cannabinoid use in an adult male prison in the UK. International Journal of Drug Policy, 122, 104219. | Main research project |
Alice Austin | 2020 | Austin, A., Favril, L., Craft, S., Thliveri, P., & Freeman, T. P. (2023). Factors associated with drug use in prison: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence. International Journal of Drug Policy, 122, 104248. | Systemic review |
Charlotte Peters | 2020 | Peters, C., Jenkins, K., & Paskell, R. (2023). CT-PTSD following a COVID-19 ICU admission in the context of unresolved grief, delirium and incurable cancer: a single case design with an older adult client. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 16(1), Article e21. | Case study |
Jess Moore | 2020 | Moore, J., Tam, L. Y. C., & Allen, J. (2024). When being bad feels good: A systematic review of the relationship between positive emotion and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. | Critical review of literature |
Ashley Teale | 2020 | Teale, A.-L., Morgan, C., Jenkins, T. A., & Jacobsen, P. (2024). Delayed discharge in inpatient psychiatric care: a systematic review. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 18(1), 14. | Critical review of literature |
Kane Baker | 2020 | Baker, K., Loades, M., & Wallace, V. (2023). How could an evidence-informed postal subscription programme aiming to improve children's mental health and wellbeing work in practice? Mental Health and Prevention. | Service-related project |
Adham Hanafi | 2020 | Hanafi, A. (2022). A Case Report of Home-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Late-Onset Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Triggered by Mask-Wearing in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clinical Case Studies, 21(6), 588-605. | Case study |
Francesca Meredith | 2020 | Meredith, F., Banting, R., Wilcox, D., & Paskell, R. (2023). Evaluating Outcomes and Experience of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Through a National Health Service Trust’s Staff Support Service. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. DOI: 10.1891/EMDR-2022-0058 | Service-related project |
Kane Baker | 2020 | Baker, K., Loades, M., & Wallace, V. (2023). How could an evidence-informed postal subscription programme aiming to improve children's mental health and wellbeing work in practice? Mental Health and Prevention. | Service related project |
Susanna Burgess-Barr | 2019 | Burgess-Barr, S., Nicholas, E., Venus, B., Singh, N., Nethercott, A., Taylor, G., & Jacobsen, P. (2023). International rates of receipt of psychological therapy for psychosis and schizophrenia: Systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 17(8), doi: 10.1186/s13033-023-00576-9 | Critical review of literature |
Sofya Joliffe | 2019 | Jolliffe, S. & Loades, M.E. (2022). Evaluating a grassroots initiative in a global disaster: Mental health tips circulated during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic. SWDTP The Open Review, 10-21. | Service-related project |
Michael Horwood | 2019 | Horwood, M., Loades, M., Košir, U. & Davis, C., (2023). Illness Perceptions, Fear of Cancer Recurrence and Mental Health in Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Survivors. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing. | Main research project |
Horwood, M. & Loades, M.E. (2023). What is known about the association between Illness Perceptions and Mental Health in Children and Young People with Long-Term Health Conditions: A Scoping Review. The Open Review (SWDTP). | Critical review of literature | ||
Katie Overbury | 2019 | Overbury, K., Conroy, B.W., Marks, E. (2023). Swimming in nature: A scoping review of the mental health and wellbeing benefits of open water swimming. Journal of Environmental Psychology 90. doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102073 | Critical review of literature |
Hanna Sakki | 2019 | Sakki, H., St Clair, M., Hwang, S., & Allen, J.L. The association between callous-unemotional traits and substance abuse in childhood: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 338, 502-517. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.06.051 | Critical review of literature |
Nicola Gregson | 2018 | Gregson, N., Randle-Phillips, C., & Hillman, S. (2022). People with intellectual disabilities’ experiences of primary care health checks, screenings and GP consultations: A systematic review and meta-ethnography. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1-17. | Critical review of literature |
Gregson, N., & Delaney, C. (2021). Drawing in not encouraging away: systemic team formulation to support the trauma-informed care of a lady with intellectual disabilities, in the context of COVID-19. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. | Service related project | ||
Gregson, N., Randle-Phillips, C., & Delaney, C. (2022). Delivering Psychological Services for People with Learning Disabilities during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Experiences of Psychologists in the UK. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 15(2), 168-196. | Main research project | ||
Sarah Muddle | 2018 | Muddle, S., Jones, B., Taylor, G., & Jacobsen, P. (2021). A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the association between emotional stress reactivity and psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. | Critical review of literature |
Hannah May | 2018 | May, H., Paskell, R., Davies, C., & Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. (2022). Having permission not to remember: perspectives on interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder in the absence of trauma memory. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(1), 2055295. | Main research project |
May, H., Kloess, J. A., Davies, K., & Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. E. (2021). Young People’s Experiences of Attending a Theater-in-Education Program on Child Sexual Exploitation. Frontiers in Psychology, 3888. | Service related project | ||
Kim Fredman Stein | 2018 | Fredman Stein, K., Allen, J.L., Robinson, R., Smith, C., Sawyer, K., & Taylor, G. (2022). Do interventions principally targeting excessive alcohol use in young people improve depression symptoms? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry. | Critical review of literature |
Fredman Stein, K. F., Sawyer, K., Daryan, S., Allen, J. L., & Taylor, G. (2022). Service-user experiences of an integrated psychological intervention for depression or anxiety and tobacco smoking in IAPT: A qualitative investigation into mechanisms of change in quitting smoking. Health Expectations. doi: 10.1111/hex.13684 | Main research project | ||
Olivia Harris | 2018 | Harris, O., Lawes, A., Andrews, C., & Jacobsen, P. (2021). Kintsugi—Identity change and reconstruction following an episode of psychosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. | Critical review of literature |
Harris, O., Andrews, C., Broome, M. R., Kustner, C. & Jacobsen, P., (2022). Epistemic injustice amongst clinical and non-clinical voice-hearers: A qualitative thematic analysis study. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. | Main research project | ||
Harris, O., Jacobsen, P., Searle-Barnes, R., & Wilkinson-Tough, M. (2020). Surviving and thriving–a mixed-methods study of staff experiences of occupational wellbeing in a psychiatric place of safety service. Journal of Mental Health, 1-8. | Service related project | ||
Harris, O., Kustner, C., Paskell, R., & Hannay, C. (2021). Using targeted cognitive behavioural therapy in clinical work: a case study. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 14, e2. | Case study | ||
Hannah Rettie | 2018 | Rettie, H., & Daniels, J. (2021). Coping and tolerance of uncertainty: Predictors and mediators of mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Psychologist, 76(3), 427. | Main research project |
Bradley Jones | 2018 | Jones, B., & Jacobsen, P. (2021). Mental health professionals’ attitudes and knowledge about hearing voices groups. Psychosis, 1-9. | Service related project |
Jones, B., Muddle, S., Jenkins, T., Kitapci, N., & Jacobsen, P. (2023). Mindfulness for voices: An experimental analogue study of the effect of manipulating response style to simulated voices in a non‐clinical population. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. | Main Research Project | ||
Andrew Haig-Ferguson | 2018 | Haig-Ferguson, A., Loades, M., Whittle, C., Read, R., Higson-Sweeney, N., Beasant, L., Starbuck, J., & Crawley, E. (2019). “It's not one size fits all”; the use of videoconferencing for delivering therapy in a Specialist Paediatric Chronic Fatigue Service. Internet interventions, 15, 43-51. | Service related project |
Haig-Ferguson, A., Cooper, K., Cartwright, E., Loades, M. E., & Daniels, J. (2021). Practitioner review: health anxiety in children and young people in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 49(2), 129-143. | Critical review of literature | ||
Haig‐Ferguson, A., Wallace, V., & Davis, C. (2022). The lived experience of adults and parents: Transitioning from paediatric to adult health care with oesophageal atresia and tracheo‐oesophageal fistula. Journal of Clinical Nursing. | Main research project | ||
Gemma Barry | 2017 | Barry, G. & Marks, E. (2023). Cognitive–behavioral factors in tinnitus-related insomnia. Frontiers in Psychology, section Health Psychology, 14,. | Main Research Project |
Maria Chu | 2018 | Chu, M. T., Marks, E., Smith, C. L., & Chadwick, P. (2023). Self-caught methodologies for measuring mind wandering with meta-awareness: A systematic review. Consciousness and Cognition, 108, 103463. | Critical Review of Literature |
Emma Willmott | 2017 | Willmott, E., Loades, M., Baker, L., & Spathis, A. (2021). Cancer‐related fatigue in teenage and young adult cancer patients: Clinicians' perspectives, practice and challenges. European Journal of Cancer Care, 30(1), e13337. | |
Alice Morey | 2017 | Morey, A., & Loades, M. E. (2021). How has cognitive behaviour therapy been adapted for adolescents with comorbid depression and chronic illness? A scoping review. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 26(3), 252-264. | Critical review of literature |
Eleanor Chatburn | 2017 | Hards, E., Loades, M.E., Higson-Sweeney, N., Shafran, R., Serafimova, T., Brigden, A., Reynolds, S., Crawley, E., Chatburn, E., Linney, C., McManus, M., & Borwick, C. (2021). Loneliness and mental health in children and adolescents with pre‐existing mental health problems: A rapid systematic review. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. | Critical review of literature |
Loades, M.E., Chatburn, E., Higson-Sweeney, N., Reynolds, S., Shafran, R., Brigden, A., Linney, C., McManus, M.N., Borwick, C. & Crawley, E. (2020). Rapid systematic review: the impact of social isolation and loneliness on the mental health of children and adolescents in the context of COVID-19. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(11), 1218-1239. | Critical review of literature | ||
Karen McKenzie | 2017 | McKenzie, K., Gregory, J., & Hogg, L. (2021). Mental Health Workers’ Attitudes Toward Individuals With a Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Personality Disorders, 1-29. | Critical review of literature |
McKenzie, K., Russell, A., Golm, D., & Fairchild, G. (2021). Empathic accuracy and cognitive and affective empathy in young Adults with and without autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-15. | Main Research Project | ||
Jessica Hunter | 2017 | Hunter, J., Butler, C., & Cooper, K. (2021). Gender minority stress in trans and gender diverse adolescents and young people. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. | |
Jac Airdrie | 2017 | Airdrie, J., Lievesley, A., & Griffith, E. (2021). Investigating the Experience of Individuals with Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Misuse Attending a Seeking Safety Group. Advances in Dual Diagnosis. | Service related project |
Peter Diamond | 2017 | Diamond, P. R., Airdrie, J. N., Hiller, R., Fraser, A., Hiscox, L. V., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., & Halligan, S. L. (2022). Change in prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the two years following trauma: a meta-analytic study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(1), 2066456](https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2022.2066456). | Critical review of Literature |
Rebecca Sired | 2016 | Sired, R., Griffith, E., Jamalamadaka, T., & Salkovskis, P. (2021). Negative interpretations of ambiguous ‘psychosis‐like’and ‘anxiety‐like’experiences in recovery from psychosis or anxiety. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60(4), 463-485. | |
Jessica Mackinnon | 2016 | Mackinnon, J., Paskell, R., & Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. (2023). What do the public understand about intimate partner violence in the context of military veteran status and PTSD?. Psychological Reports, 00332941231180104. | Main Research Project |
Kirsty Nash | 2016 | Nash, K., Dysch, L., Jones, J. T., MacQueen, R., & Marks, E. (2021). The contribution of cognitive behavioural factors to social anxiety in Parkinson’s disease. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1-17. | Main research project |
Sarah Howkins | 2016 | Howkins, S., Millar, J. F., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2021). Sensitivity to being betrayed and betraying others in obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. | Main research project |
Lucy Armstrong | 2016 | Armstrong, L. V., Hogg, L., & Jacobsen, P. (2021). Do voice-hearing assessment measures capture the positive experiences of individuals, and to what extent? A systematic review of published assessment measures. Psychosis, 1-14. | Critical review of literature |
Sally McGuire | 2015 | McGuire, S., Stephens, A., & Griffith, E. (2021). It’s changed my life!” Evaluation and improvement of a pilot Tier 2 weight management course, “Balance. Mental Health Review Journal, 26(1), 71-86. | Main research project |
Nicholas Stewart | 2015 | Stewart, N. A., Brewin, C. R., & Gregory, J. D. (2020). The role of intrusive imagery in hoarding disorder. Behavior therapy, 51(1), 42-53. | Main research project |
2015 | Stewart, N. A. J., Wilkinson-Tough, M., & Chambers, G. N. (2019). Psychological interventions for individuals with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder in forensic settings: A systematic review. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 30(5), 744-793. | Critical review of literature | |
Kirsty Ryninks | 2015 | Ryninks, K., Wallace, V., & Gregory, J. D. (2019). Older adult hoarders’ experiences of being helped by volunteers and volunteers’ experiences of helping. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 47(6), 697-708. | Service related project |
Juliette Attwood | 2015 | Attwood, J., Butler, C., Rogers, L., Batterham, M., Cousins, L., & Wilson, R. (2020). Non Violent Resistance parent training and adolescent substance misuse. Journal of family therapy, 42(2), 222-251. | Service related project |
Hannah Wiseman | 2015 | Wiseman, H., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., & Hiller, R. M. (2021). The relevance of cognitive behavioral models of post-traumatic stress following child maltreatment: a systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 22(1), 191-206. | Critical review of literature |
2015 | Wiseman, H., Ensoll, S., Russouw, L., & Butler, C. (2019). Implementing multi-family therapy within a community eating disorder service for children and young people. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 38(3), 50-66. | Service related project | |
2015 | Wiseman, H., Ensoll, S., Russouw, L., & Butler, C. (2019). Multi-Family Therapy for Young People With Anorexia Nervosa: Clinicians' and Carers' Perspectives on Systemic Changes. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 38(3), 67-83. | Service improvement project | |
Holly Panting | 2015 | Panting, H., Swift, C., Goodman, W., & Davis, C. (2018). Examining the utility of the Stages of Change model for working with offenders with learning disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 9(2), 91-101. | Case study |
Mia Foxhall | 2015 | Foxhall, M., Hamilton‐Giachritsis, C., & Button, K. (2019). The link between rejection sensitivity and borderline personality disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(3), 289-326. | Critical review of literature |
Foxhall, M., Tooze, A., and Marks, E. (2019). Improving Guideline Concordance for the Treatment of Mild TBI. The Neuropsychologist (7). | Service related project | ||
Foxhall, M., Tooze, A., & Marks, E. (2019). Evidence-based treatment of mild TBI: A service audit and checklist to improve concordance with guidelines. The Neuropsychologist. | Service related project | ||
Cara Haines | 2015 | Haines, C., Loades, M., & Davis, C. (2019). Illness perceptions in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome and other physical health conditions: Application of the common sense model. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 24(3), 546-563. | Main research project |
2015 | Haines, C., Loades, M. E., Coetzee, B. J., & Higson-Sweeney, N. (2019). Which HIV-infected youth are at risk of developing depression and what treatments help? A systematic review focusing on Southern Africa. International journal of adolescent medicine and health. | Critical review of literature | |
Lauren Davies nee Evans | 2015 | Davies, L., Randle‐Phillips, C., Russell, A., & Delaney, C. (2020). The relationship between adverse interpersonal experiences and self‐esteem in people with intellectual disabilities: The role of shame, self‐compassion and social support. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. | Main Research Project |
Lauren Evans | 2015 | Evans, L., & Allez, K. (2018). Cognitive behaviour therapy for low self-esteem in a person with a learning disability: A case study. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 12(2), 67-76. | Case study |
Evans, L., & Randle-Phillips, C. (2020). People with intellectual disabilities’ experiences of psychological therapy: A systematic review and meta-ethnography. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 24(2), 233-252. | Critical review of literature | ||
Emily Norris | 2014 | Norris, E., Phillips, S., Butler, C., & James, K. (2018). Sex and Relationships Education for Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis: A Service-Based Approach. Sexuality and disability, 36(4), 363-376. | Service related project |
Charlotte Whittle | 2014 | Whittle, C., & Butler, C. (2018). Sexuality in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities: A meta-ethnographic synthesis of qualitative studies. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 75, 68-81. | Critical review of literature |
Sam Waldron | 2014 | Waldron, S. M., Gauntlett-Gilbert, J., Marks, E., Loades, M. E., & Jacobs, K. (2018). Dispositional mindfulness and its relationship with distress and functioning in adolescents with chronic pain and low-level pain. Journal of pediatric psychology, 43(9), 1038-1046. | Main research project |
Waldron, S. M., Loades, M. E., & Rogers, L. (2018). Routine outcome monitoring in CAMHS: how can we enable implementation in practice?. Child and adolescent mental health, 23(4), 328-333. | Service related project | ||
Waldron, S. M., Stallard, P., Grist, R., & Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. (2018). The ‘long-term’ effects of universal school-based anxiety prevention trials: a systematic review. Mental Health & Prevention, 11, 8-15. | Critical review of literature | ||
Waldron, S. M., Maddern, L., & Wynn, A. (2018). Cognitive‐behavioural outreach for an adolescent experiencing social anxiety, panic and agoraphobia: A single‐case experimental design. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 31(4), 120-126. | Case study | ||
Hannah Rapley | 2014 | Rapley, H. A., & Loades, M. E. (2019). A systematic review exploring therapist competence, adherence, and therapy outcomes in individual CBT for children and young people. Psychotherapy Research, 29(8), 1010-1019. | Critical review of literature |
Taruna Jamalamadaka | 2014 | Jamalamadaka, T., Griffith, E., Steer, H., & Salkovskis, P. (2020). Fear of illness recurrence and mental health anxiety in people recovering from psychosis and common mental health problems. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59(3), 403-423. | |
Lucy Fiddick | 2014 | Fiddick, L., Neale, E., Nathwani, F., Bennert, K., & Gregory, J. (2020). Referring to psychological therapy services in secondary NHS mental health services–how do mental health care professionals decide?. Mental Health Review Journal, 25(2), 185-196. | Service related project |
Roz Cooper | 2014 | Cooper, R., & Frearson, J. (2017). Adapting compassion focused therapy for an adult with a learning disability—A case study. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(2), 142-150. | Case study |
Cooper, K., Cooper, R., Russell, A. & Smith, L.G.E. (2020) ”I’m proud to be a little bit different” The effects of individuals’ perceptions of autism and autism social identity on their collective self-esteem. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-11. . | Main Research Project | ||
Rosie Banting | 2014 | Banting, R., Butler, C., & Swift, C. (2018). The adaptation of a Solution Focused Brief Therapy domestic violence perpetrator programme: a case study with a client with a learning disability. Journal of Family Therapy, 40(4), 489-502. | Case study |
Banting, R., & Randle-Phillips, C. (2018). A systematic review of psychological interventions for comorbid type 1 diabetes mellitus and eating disorders. Diabetes Management, 8(1), 1-18. | Critical review of literature | ||
Hiller, R. M., Meiser‐Stedman, R., Elliott, E., Banting, R., & Halligan, S. L. (2021). A longitudinal study of cognitive predictors of (complex) post‐traumatic stress in young people in out‐of‐home care. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 62(1), 48-57. | Main research project | ||
Banting, R., & Lloyd, S. (2017). A case study integrating CBT with narrative therapy externalizing techniques with a child with OCD: How to flush away the Silly Gremlin. A single‐case experimental design. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 30(2), 80-89. | Case study | ||
Megan Cowles | 2014 | Cowles, M., Dysch, L., Perry, E., & Randle-Phillips, C. (2017). How stroke patients and carers experience early supported discharge services: a qualitative study with recommendations for service development. The Neuropsychologist, 3, 46-53. | Service related project |
Cowles, M., & Nightingale, J. (2015). Diagnosis-specific CBT as a stepping stone to transdiagnostic CBT in a complex case. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8, e18. | Case Study | ||
Cowles, M., & Davis, J. (2017). Identifying, assessing and treating complicated post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescence: a single-case quasi-experimental design with clinical case report. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 10, e1. | Case Study | ||
Cowles, M., Randle-Phillips, C., & Medley, A. (2020). Compassion-focused therapy for trauma in people with intellectual disabilities: A conceptual review. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 24(2), 212-232. | Critical review of literature | ||
Cowles, M., & Hogg, L. (2019). An experimental investigation into the effect of state-anxiety on state-paranoia in people experiencing psychosis. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 47(1), 52-66. | Main research project | ||
Cowles, M., & Griggs, M. (2019). Considering boundaries when doing therapeutic work with people who are seeking asylum: a reflective case study. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 47(1), 50-64. | |||
Rose Knight | 2013 | Knight, R., Davies, R., Salkovskis, P. M., & Gregory, J. D. (2019). CBT with an Adolescent with Hoarding Disorder—a Single-Case Experimental Design. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 12(2), 146-156. | Case Study |
Emma-Jane Stephens | 2013 | Stephens, E. J., Dysch, L., & Gregory, J. (2018). Diagnostic overshadowing of anxiety in Parkinson disease: psychosocial factors and a cognitive-behavioral model. Cognitive And Behavioral Neurology, 31(3), 123-132. | Critical review of literature |
Paula Robinson | 2013 | Robinson, P., Griffith, E., & Gillmore, C. (2019). Can training improve staff skills with complex trauma?. Mental Health Review Journal, 24(2), 112-123. | Service related project |
Robinson, P., Russell, A., & Dysch, L. (2019). Third-wave therapies for long-term neurological conditions: A systematic review to evaluate the status and quality of evidence. Brain Impairment, 20(1), 58-80. doi:10.1017/BrImp.2019.2 | Critical Review of Literature | ||
Cara Roberts-Collins | 2013 | Roberts-Collins, C., Mahoney-Davies, G., Russell, A., Booth, A., & Loades, M. (2018). Emotion awareness and cognitive behavioural therapy in young people with autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 22(7), 837-844. | Main research project |
Roberts-Collins, C., & Butler, C. (2017). The experience of stigma for older adults with a diagnosis of HIV in the United Kingdom: A meta-synthesis. FPOP Bulletin, 139. | Critical review of literature | ||
Roberts-Collins, C., Anderson, C., MacCallum, J., Randle-Phillips, C., and Medley, A. (2017). Cardiac Catheterisation and the Promotion of Positive Self-Coping and Management. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 12(7), 342-351. | |||
Rachel Paskell | 2013 | Paskell, R., Gauntlett-Gilbert, J., & Wilkinson-Tough, M. (2019). Military culture: Masculine norms, perceived personal control, autonomous motivation, and coping differences between injured male military personnel and civilian sportsmen. Military Behavioral Health, 7(2), 161-169. | Main research project |
Gerwyn Mahoney-Davis | 2013 | Mahoney-Davies, G., Davis, C., Glen, C., Clifton, C., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2017). Examining the emotional and psychological experiences of people with heart failure. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 12(4), 192-198. | Main research project |
Mahoney‐Davies, G., Dixon, C., Tynan, H., & Mann, S. (2017). An evaluation of the effectiveness of a ‘Five Ways to Well‐being’group run with people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(1), 56-63. | Service related project | ||
Mahoney-Davies, G., Roberts-Collins, C., Russell, A., & Loades, M. (2017). Socialization to the model in adolescent cognitive behavioural therapy: measurement and insights. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 10, e11. | Main research project | ||
Lisa Keane | 2013 | Keane, L., & Loades, M. (2017). Low self‐esteem and internalizing disorders in young people–a systematic review. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 22(1), 4-15. | Critical review of literature |
Kate Eden | 2013 | Eden, K., & Randle-Phillips, C. (2017). Exploration of body perception and body dissatisfaction in young adults with intellectual disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 71, 88-97. | Main research project |
Rosie Oldham-Cooper | 2013 | Oldham‐Cooper, R., Glasman, D., & Loades, M. (2016). The Advantages of Parental Involvement in Cognitive‐Behavioral Treatment of Childhood Obsessive‐Compulsive Disorder: A Single‐Case Example. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 29(1), 44-53. | Case study |
Oldham-Cooper, R., & Allez, K. (2016). Evaluation of an ‘understanding and managing feelings group’. Learning Disability Practice, 19(2). | Service related project | ||
Oldham‐Cooper, R., & Loades, M. (2017). Disorder‐specific versus generic cognitive‐behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders in children and young people: A systematic narrative review of evidence for the effectiveness of disorder‐specific CBT compared with the disorder‐generic treatment, Coping Cat. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 30(1), 6-17. | Critical review of literature | ||
Hazel Carrick | 2013 | Carrick, H., & Randle-Phillips, C. (2018). Solution-focused approaches in the context of people with intellectual disabilities: A critical review. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 11(1), 30-53. | Critical review of literature |
Charlotte Hazeldine-Baker | 2012 | Hazeldine-Baker, C. E., Salkovskis, P. M., Osborn, M., & Gauntlett-Gilbert, J. (2018). Understanding the link between feelings of mental defeat, self-efficacy and the experience of chronic pain. British Journal of Pain, 12(2), 87-94. | Main research project |
Sarah Rusbridge | 2012 | Rusbridge, S., Tooze, O., Griffith, E., & Wilkinson-Tough, M. (2018). Clinical psychologists’ perceptions of barriers and facilitators to engaging service users in index offence assessment and formulation within a medium secure unit. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 29(1), 106-123. | Service related project |
Vera Fixter (nee Hughes) | 2012 | Fixter, V., Butler, C., Daniels, J., & Phillips, S. (2017). A qualitative analysis of the information needs of parents of children with cystic fibrosis prior to first admission. Journal of pediatric nursing, 34, e29-e33. | Service related project |
Robbie Chandler | 2012 | Chandler, R. J., Newman, A., & Butler, C. (2017). Burnout in clinicians working with offenders with personality disorder. Journal of Forensic Practice, 19(2), 139-150. | Service related project |
Chandler, R., Russell, A. & Maras, K. (2019). Compliance in autism: Self-report in action. Autism, 23(4), 1005-1007. | Main Research Project | ||
Rosie Chapman | 2012 | Chapman, R., Loades, M., O'Reilly, G., Coyle, D., Patterson, M., & Salkovskis, P. (2016). ‘Pesky gNATs’: investigating the feasibility of a novel computerized CBT intervention for adolescents with anxiety and/or depression in a Tier 3 CAMHS setting. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 9, e35. | Main research project |
Chapman, R., Parkinson, M., & Halligan, S. (2016). How do parent-child interactions predict and maintain depression in childhood and adolescence? A critical review of the literature. Adolescent Psychiatry, 6(2), 100-115. | Critical review of literature | ||
Sian Dallimore | 2012 | Dallimore, S., Christie, K., & Loades, M. (2016). Improving multidisciplinary clinical discussion on an inpatient mental health ward. Mental Health Review Journal, 21(2), 107-118. | Service related project |
Sinead Lambe | 2012 | Lambe, S., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., Garner, E., & Walker, J. (2018). The role of narcissism in aggression and violence: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 19(2), 209-230. | Critical review of literature |
Lambe, S., Russell, A., Butler, C., Fletcher, S., Ashwin, C., & Brosnan, M. (2019). Autism and the transition to university from the student perspective. Autism, 23(6), 1531-1541. | Service related project | ||
Flora Wilson | 2012 | Wilson, F. C. L., & Gregory, J. D. (2018). Overgeneral autobiographical memory and depression in older adults: a systematic review. Aging & mental health, 22(5), 575-586. | Critical review of literature |
Emily Garner | 2012 | Garner, E., Gillmore, C., & Lomax, C. (2016). A transdiagnostic cognitive behaviour therapy-based intervention in a secondary-care mental health service. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 9, 35. | Service related project |
Lambe, S., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., Garner, E., & Walker, J. (2018). The role of narcissism in aggression and violence: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 19(2), 209-230. | |||
Sasha Walters | 2012 | Walters, S., Loades, M., & Russell, A. (2016). A systematic review of effective modifications to cognitive behavioural therapy for young people with autism spectrum disorders. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 3(2), 137-153. | Service related project |
Walters, S., Hogg, L., & Gillmore, C. (2016). Evaluation of a tailored training programme to improve the assessment and treatment of trauma in an Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) service. Psychosis, 8(3), 226-237. | Critical review of literature | ||
Felicity Cowdrey | 2012 | Cowdrey, F. A., Lomax, C., Gregory, J. D., & Barnard, P. J. (2017). Could a unified theory of cognition and emotion further the transdiagnostic perspective? A critical analysis using Interacting Cognitive Subsystems as a case example. Psychopathology Review, 4(3), 377-399. | Critical review of literature |
Cowdrey, F. A., & Davis, J. (2016). Response to enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy in an adolescent with anorexia nervosa. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 44(6), 717-722. | |||
Cowdrey, F. A., Lister, A., Weir-Jeffery, T., Nugent, P., Fussell, A., & Saltmarsh, C. (2015). Dance Like a Butterfly and Sting Like a Bee: A Preliminary Evaluation of a Six-Session Group for Foster-Carers and Adopters of Children with Attachment Difficulties. Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, 5(5), 1. | |||
Cowdrey, F. A., & Walz, L. (2015). Exposure therapy for fear of spiders in an adult with learning disabilities: a case report. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43(1), 75-82. | Case study | ||
Park, R. J., Godier, L. R., & Cowdrey, F. A. (2014). Hungry for reward: How can neuroscience inform the development of treatment for Anorexia Nervosa?. Behaviour research and therapy, 62, 47-59. | |||
Cowdrey, F. A., & Walters, S. L. (2013). Salvatore R. Maddi: Hardiness, turning stressful circumstances into resilient growth. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 8(2), 265-267. | |||
Cowdrey, F. A., Hogg, L., & Chapman, K. (2018). Is there a choice to make? A pilot study investigating attitudes towards treatment in an Early Intervention for Psychosis service. Mental Health Review Journal, 23(2), 110-120. | Service related project | ||
Hiller, R. M., Creswell, C., Meiser-Stedman, R., Lobo, S., Cowdrey, F., Lyttle, M. D., Ehlers, A., & Halligan, S. L. (2019). A longitudinal examination of the relationship between trauma-related cognitive factors and internalising and externalising psychopathology in physically injured children. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 47(4), 683-693. | Main research project | ||
Kate Cooper | 2012 | Cooper, K., Gregory, J. D., Walker, I., Lambe, S., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2017). Cognitive behaviour therapy for health anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 45(2), 110-123. | Critical review of literature |
Cooper, K., Smith, L. G., & Russell, A. (2017). Social identity, self‐esteem, and mental health in autism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(7), 844-854. | Main research project | ||
Cooper, K., Gillmore, C., & Hogg, L. (2016). Experience-based co-design in an adult psychological therapies service. Journal of Mental Health, 25(1), 36-40. | Service related project | ||
Cooper, K., & McElwee, J. (2016). Network training for a boy with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44(4), 337-344. | Case study | ||
Helen Wood | 2011 | Wood, H., Rusbridge, S., Lei, J., Lomax, C., Elliston, J., & Russell, A. (2021). Exploring the Cognitive Model of Social Anxiety in Autistic Young People—The Central Role of Bodily Symptoms. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-15. | Main Research Project |
Sarah Stacey | 2011 | Stacey, S., Osborn, M., & Salkovskis, P. (2015). Life is a rollercoaster… What helps parents cope with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)?. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 21(4), 136-141. | Service related project |
Graham Thew | 2011 | Thew, G. R., Gregory, J. D., Roberts, K., & Rimes, K. A. (2017). Self-critical thinking and overgeneralization in depression and eating disorders: An experimental study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 45(5), 510-523. | Main research project |
Thew, G. R., Gregory, J. D., Roberts, K., & Rimes, K. A. (2017). The phenomenology of self‐critical thinking in people with depression, eating disorders, and in healthy individuals. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 90(4), 751-769. | Main research project | ||
Thew, G. R., Fountain, L., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2015). Service user and clinician perspectives on the use of outcome measures in psychological therapy. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8, e23. | Service related project | ||
Thew, G. R., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2016). Hoarding among older people: an evaluative review. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 9, e32. | Critical review of literature | ||
Thew, G. R., & Krohnert, N. (2015). Formulation as intervention: case report and client experience of formulating in therapy. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8, e 25. | Case study | ||
Lottie Morris | 2011 | Morris, L., & Nightingale, J. (2014). CBT for OCD: habituation or cognitive shift?. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 7, e6. | Case study |
Morris, L., & Lomax, C. (2014). Assessment, development, and treatment of childhood perfectionism: A systematic review. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19(4), 225-234. | Critical review of literature | ||
Morris, L., Dysch, L., Salkovskis, P. M., & Giffin, N. (2014). Reducing excess stiffness in Stiff Person Syndrome using CBT: A case study. NeuroRehabilitation, 35(3), 627-631. | Case Study | ||
Morris, L., Salkovskis, P., Adams, J., Lister, A., & Meiser-Stedman, R. (2015). Screening for post-traumatic stress symptoms in looked after children. Journal of Children's Services, 10(4), 365-375. | Service related project | ||
Faith Martin | 2011 | Martin, F., & Khan, S. (2015). Knowing our ‘ABCs’: self-reflection using cognitive-behavioural formulation of client–therapist interaction in work with a survivor of torture. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8, e11. | Case study |
Amanda Laffan | 2011 | Laffan, A. J., Daniels, J., & Osborn, M. (2015). Profiling the psychological training and support needs of oncology staff, and evaluating the effectiveness of a level 2 psychological support training program workshop. Journal of psychosocial oncology, 33(6), 686-702. | Service related project |
Laffan, A. J., Millar, J. F. A., Salkovskis, P. M., & Whitby, P. (2017). Investigating perceptions of disgust in older adult residential home residents. Aging & mental health, 21(2), 206-215. | Main research project | ||
Kirsty James | 2011 | James, K., Verplanken, B., & Rimes, K. A. (2015). Self-criticism as a mediator in the relationship between unhealthy perfectionism and distress. Personality and Individual Differences, 79, 123-128. | Main research project |
James, K., Elgie, S., Adams, J., Henderson, T., & Salkovskis, P. (2015). Session-by-session outcome monitoring in CAMHS: clinicians’ beliefs. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8, e26. | Service related project | ||
James, K., & Rimes, K. A. (2018). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus pure cognitive behavioural self-help for perfectionism: A pilot randomised study. Mindfulness, 9(3), 801-814. | Main research project | ||
Neil Carrigan | 2011 | Carrigan, N., & Dysch, L. (2018). Acceptance and commitment therapy for the management of chronic neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis: A case study. In Eastern Influences on Neuropsychotherapy (pp. 24-51). Routledge. | Case study |
Carrigan, N., & Allez, K. (2017). Cognitive behaviour therapy for post‐traumatic stress disorder in a person with an autism spectrum condition and intellectual disability: A case study. Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities, 30(2), 326-335. | Case study | ||
Carrigan, N., Dysch, L., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2018). The impact of health anxiety in multiple sclerosis: a replication and treatment case series. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 46(2), 148-167. | Main research project |