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Professions Fest: Professionals and Professions During Times of Disruption

During this workshop we will consider the disruptive forces faced by professionals, as well as the challenges and opportunities they bring.

  • 19 May 2025, 12.00pm to 20 May 2025, 4.00pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • 10 East, University of Bath
  • This event is free
Delegates in a seminar room in the School of Management.
This event will incorporate a one-day PhD workshop and a day of paper presentations.

By addressing a wide range of disruptive forces – societal, technological, political and ecological – this event seeks to foster academic dialogue on the challenges and opportunities professionals face.

We will explore the disruptions affecting professionals and professional work today, bringing together leading academics and early-career researchers.

This event is co-organised by the University of Bath School of Management, and King’s Business School, King’s College London.


PhD registration

To register for the PhD workshop, please submit a one-page abstract and bio to both Stefanie Gustafsson ( and Crawford Spence ( by Friday 28 February 2025.

Notifications of acceptance to the workshop will be sent by Friday 14 March 2025.

PhD mentors and PhD students who are accepted should complete the Day 1 and 2 sign-up form.

Main day only registration

For attendance on the main day only, please complete the main day sign-up form.

Registration will close on the Monday 31 March 2025.

Attendance will be limited to 50 people.

Event structure

Monday 19 May – day 1

Half-day PhD workshop and panel discussion on publishing professions research (starting at 12pm).

Tuesday 20 May – day 2

Paper presentations (9am to 4pm).

Schedule for day 1 - PhD Workshop

Time Activity Location
12 - 1pm Registration and Lunch 10 East Reception and Pavilion
1 - 3pm PhD group discussions with academic mentors Chris Carter, Laura Empson, James Faulconbridge, Claudia Gabbioneta, Sungchul Noha and Crawford Spence 10 East Incepta Lab
3 - 3.30pm Coffee Pavilion
3.30 - 4.30pm Panel discussion: 'Becoming a Professions Scholar' 10 East Incepta Lab
4.30pm Day 1 close 10 East Incepta Lab
6.30pm Dinner

Schedule for day 2 - Main event

Time Activity Location
8.45 - 9am Registration 10 East Reception
9 - 9.15am Introduction and welcome from Stefanie Gustafsson and Crawford Spence 10 East 5.29
9.15 - 10am James Faulconbridge and Cara Molyneux, Lancaster University: 'For the Client: Generative Machine Learning and the Relational Reordering of Professional Expertise' 10 East 5.29
10 - 10.45am Laura Empson, Bayes Business School/Copenhagen Business School: 'Collegiality in Contemporary Professional Service Firms' 10 East 5.29
10.45 - 11am Coffee 10 East Pavilion
11 - 11.45am Chris Carter, University of Edinburgh and Andrew Brown, University of Bath School of Management: 'Heroes, Villains and Fools: Crafting a Political Identity' 10 East 5.29
11.45am - 12.30pm John Millar, University of Durham: 'Conflictual Policy-Making During the 1980s AIDS Crisis: Frontstage and Backstage Perspectives_ 10 East 5.29
12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch 10 East Pavilion
1.30 - 2.15pm Claudia Gabbioneta, University of York: 'Publishing Work on Professions in Generalist Management Journals' 10 East 5.29
2.15 - 3pm Frida Pemer, Stockholm School of Economics: 'From Digital Disruption to Creative Accumulation – New Skills in Professional Service Firms' 10 East 5.29
3 - 3.15pm Coffee 10 East Pavilion
3.15 - 4pm Sungchul Noh, Hitotsubashi University Business School: 'Becoming Occupational Activists: The Dynamics of Collective Struggles for Alternative Occupational Futures' 10 East 5.29
4 - 4.45pm Mabel Torbor, Nottingham University Business School: 'Intersectional (in)visibility and authenticity at work: Narratives of Women in STEM Professions' 10 East 5.29
4.45pm Closing remarks 10 East 5.29


Attending the event is free of charge. Participants are asked to book and cover their travel and accommodation.


The event will be held at the University of Bath School of Management.


This event will be held in 10 East

10 East University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

If you have any questions please get in touch.