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Securing your place on a School of Management MSc course

Information on accepting your offer, meeting conditions and paying your deposit.

Accepting your offer

If your application is successful, you will receive a letter outlining your offer to study.

To secure a place on the course you'll need to:

  • accept your offer
  • pay your £1,500 deposit

You must do this within four weeks of the date on your offer letter.

It may be possible to extend your deadline. We make these decisions on a case by case basis. If you want to request an extension to your deadline, contact the MSc Admissions Team by emailing

You can read your offer letter and accept your offer using Application Tracker.

To accept your offer on Application Tracker:

  1. log in to Application Tracker
  2. in the ‘Application Status’ box in the top left-hand side of the page, click on the name of the course that you applied for
  3. click on ‘Reply to my offer’
  4. select ‘I want to accept this offer’ and click on ‘Submit your response’

Problems with Application Tracker

If you can’t log in, or have any other problems with Application Tracker, email the University Computing Services helpdesk at

Paying your deposit

Once we offer you a place, you will need to pay a deposit to secure it. Your place on the course will not be secure until you have paid your deposit on the Application Tracker. You must pay the deposit within four weeks from the date of your offer letter.

We will deduct the £1,500 from your course tuition fee when you register at the University.

Please note if you do not pay your deposit on time, the University may withdraw your offer.

The £1,500 deposit is non-refundable unless:

  • you fail to meet the conditions of your offer
  • you fail to get a visa (if required)
  • you cancel within 14 days of payment

Please note you must provide documentary evidence to support failing to meet offer conditions.

If you have sponsorship for your MSc for the full tuition fee, you do not need to pay the deposit. You will need to provide proof of your funding.

Sponsored students should contact the MSc Admissions Team at

Meeting offer conditions

You can use Application Tracker to see conditions of your offer and the documents you need to provide.

On Application Tracker, you will need to upload scanned copies of:

  • your academic documents
  • your English Language certificates. Please note any English Language certificates must be no more than two years old from the start date of your MSc course.

Your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number

If you need a visa to study in the UK, we will provide you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) once you have met all conditions of your offer. We will email asking you to:

  • check the information on your record is correct
  • upload a scan of your passport to Application Tracker

Your CAS number will be available via the Application Tracker ‘Intray’.

Please note the Admissions Office issue CAS numbers to unconditional offer holders from mid-June onwards. It may take up to two weeks to receive your CAS number.

When you receive your visa, you will need to scan it and upload the scan to Application Tracker.

Deferring your entry

If you have accepted your place and paid the course deposit but want to defer entry to the next academic year, contact the MSc Admissions Team at

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If you have any questions, please contact us.

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