Academic Advisory System
The Academic Advisory System consists of many sources of advice and guidance to help and support you during your studies:
- an academic member of staff (your “Academic Advisor”)
- Director of Studies
- Student Experience Officer
- Programme Administrator
These staff members are here to offer you help and support. They can advise you on:
- your academic progress
- offer help if you are experiencing academic problems
- offer support for any welfare concerns
- signposting to support services
- School and University procedures
- your post-graduation plans
You should meet your Academic Advisor regularly. They will provide a point of contact throughout your studies.
You will find out who your Academic Advisor is when you arrive. You will meet them during Welcome Week at the Academic Advisor Meet and Greet Event, or during the first week of teaching. You will be emailed the details of your first meeting.
You will meet your Student Experience Officer, Director of Studies and Programme Administrator during Welcome Week.
Student Experience Officer
Your Student Experience Officer (SEO) provides a confidential support and advice service for all undergraduate students in the School.
They can help you with:
- personal issues
- academic issues
- specific advice
- referral to skills training and academic help
- signposting to further welfare support
Your SEO will also help you make the most of your university experience by coordinating the Peer Mentoring Schemes and supporting Academic Reps.
You will meet your SEO during Welcome Week.
Peer Mentoring
Peer mentoring is where more experienced students provide informal help and support to new students.
Each first year student will be allocated one or two second or third year students to be their peer mentor. You will meet your mentor during a social event in the first week of teaching.
Peer mentoring in the School of Management focuses on providing friendly assistance and guidance to new students. The mentors aim to improve your student experience by sharing their knowledge of the University, the city and of your course. They can offer study tips and personal support to help you transition smoothly into university life.
You can find out more information about peer mentoring on the Students’ Union website.
The School of Management has a friendly and helpful Subject Librarian, Helen Rhodes, who is based on the top floor of the main Library, room 5.04. You will meet her during a timetabled Library Induction Session in the first few weeks of teaching.
Helen is supported by her colleagues in the Information Point who are happy to help you with your routine enquiries. Email the Information Point staff or telephone 01225 38 5257.
Helen has an open door policy so drop by to see her for a quick query. For more in-depth enquiries please contact Helen with the details and make an appointment to see her. Email or telephone 01225 38 5029.
For a full list of resources to support your studies please see the Resources for Management web page and to find an interactive tutorial that Helen’s written to guide you through key business databases, see the Moodle course Using Library Research Databases.