School of Management Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee
The Committee is responsible to the Board of Studies for matters about undergraduate and postgraduate learning, teaching, and quality assurance in the School.
The School Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee will be responsible to the Board of Studies for the academic standards and quality of the undergraduate and taught postgraduate provision of the School.
Standing orders of the Learning, Teaching and Quality Committees.
The list of those who may routinely attend meetings of the Committee is subject to approval by the Chair.
(CHAIR) ex officio - Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching)
Director of Teaching (Undergraduate) ex officio
Director of Teaching (MBA) ex officio
Director of Teaching (Online Courses) ex officio
Student Experience Officer ex officio
Three representatives of current Director of Studies
(One for an undergraduate programme, one for a postgraduate taught programme, one of a research programme with taught elements.)
- Postgraduate Research – Dr Stefanie Gustafsson
- Postgraduate Teaching – Professor Richard Jackson
- Undergraduate – Dr Rakshitha Hitibandara
Member from Academic Quality Standards in Academic Registry
(At least one undergraduate and one postgraduate student.)
- Sweekar Abhash Singh – taught postgraduate
- Kiara Singh – undergraduate
- Vihan Tripathi – undergraduate
Head of Learning Partnerships ex officio
Co-opted members
- Postgraduate Taught - Ms Viktoriia Korsun
- Dr Tamsin McLaren
In attendance
- Sabbatical Officer – TBC