Rooms in Carpenter House cost £150 per week. There are 135 rooms in Carpenter House with 133 standard rooms priced at £150. Carpenter House also has a limited number of studio rooms priced at £231 per week.
Carpenter House student accommodation
Carpenter House is accommodation for students, conveniently located in Bath's city centre.
Welcome to Carpenter House
Carpenter House is accommodation in the city centre, with shared flats for seven to ten students. Located just a few minutes' walk from the railway and bus stations. The main shops, restaurants, bars and cafes are all conveniently located within a short walk. Our student hub in the city, Green Park House is a six minute walk away. The accommodation is located just a few minutes' walk from the bus stop, so you can get to campus quickly and easily. To make you feel safe and at home, Carpenter House has a secure living environment, with swipe card access to the buildings and flats and a dedicated operations team.

Key features of Carpenter House
Just a few of the benefits of living here.
Accommodation prices
Find out how much it costs to live in Carpenter House and compare with our other undergraduate accommodation options.
Explore in 360 degrees
View a bedroom and kitchen in Carpenter House in 360 degrees. Images show typical Carpenter House rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.
More panoramas
Getting to know your accommodation
Living in Carpenter House gives you everything you need to work, rest and relax.

Bedrooms have:
- standard 91cm x 183cm single bed
- your own wash basin
- a large communal kitchen shared with your flatmates
Images show typical Carpenter House rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.
Image gallery
Explore Carpenter House further. Images show typical Carpenter House rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.
Floor plan
A typical bedroom floor plan for Carpenter House. This is an example, not all bedrooms are exactly the same.

Room numbers
Carpenter House is one building with six floors. Each floor has four flats with eight bedrooms.
Your room details contain your building, floor and room number. For example, the room number CH5.3 means you are located in Carpenter House, fifth floor, room three.
Accommodation for students with a diagnosed medical condition or disability
There is no accessible accommodation for students with disabilities in Carpenter House.

‘I have really enjoyed my time living in the city. In fact, not having as much time on campus this year meant that being close to all the shops was a real benefit.’
Find out if you're eligible to apply for this accommodation
Apply to live in Carpenter HouseEnquiries
Speak to our ResLife team for further information, support and guidance.